This will likely be a controversial suggestion but I find the rank up block break challenges kind of a joke when you can just get 1 block and silk it over and over until the challenge is complete. I would suggest making it so that only naturally spawned blocks count towards the challenge. This is especially apparent in the log breaking challenge where players can simply buy the logs from shop then place and break them without ever so much as visiting a forest. However, it would be unfair to new players to implement this now as many players have already taken advantage to rank up, so I would suggest making this change only for the next reset and for the upcoming P5. This same change can also be made to daily missions. If this change is implemented, the number of block breaks may have to be modified as some challenges may become too difficult.
Although this may make people suggest adding a dislike button to forums, I made a plugin that stops recently placed blocks from counting towards statistics. McMMO already tracks which blocks were placed by people so I made a simple plugin that just asks McMMO if a block was placed by a player every time a block is broken then decrements the statistic for it if so, canceling out the increase. SaberSupe/BlockBreakStatFixer: Spigot plugin to stop counting of recently placed blocks in block break statistic (
What if I want to add an "Amazing idea" button . Imo we're being really lazy and quests don't feel like quests anymore if u can just have 1 ore and mine it infinietely, where's the challenge in that smh.