Open Turning Off Particles For Just Yourself

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sloan., Feb 18, 2023.

  1. Sloan.

    Sloan. New Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    I would like to mention two things in this post, but the main thing is that there REALLY needs to be a feature to hide trails just for yourself. Don't get me wrong, all the trails look fantastic, especially my smoke trail (just kidding, spark trail is trash wish I could've previewed). The only issue is, trails like smoke make it EXTREMELY hard to play, as the smoke goes up into your face and blocks essentially 80 percent of your vision. It's the same logic as with disguises, they look cool but you dont really need to see it unless you want to f5 anyways.

    Before I say what else I wanted to say, I want to mention this is out of love and staff are pretty cool folks at heart. But when i asked this question in /helpme i felt like i was being reprimanded for something I thought was completely normal. I was told to move a question like that to general chat, since someone else could've answered it, and I understand this is just to be helpful to the staff, but in the same sense, isn't that kinda what y'all are there for? I just don't think that's appropriate to say, but maybe instead link to FAQs if you believe the question has been answered. Would be much faster for mods anyways, if they do feel obligated to respond to a question, just have it ready in their clipboard.

    I think on my part I probably wasn't concise as I needed to be and Im probably just reading way into this, but something similar happened when a mod excused me of double accounting bc of same ip addresses and tp'd my gf to me while she was trying to farm. Which mind you, is pretty important to her, and threw off her whole day because we start the day with PF. I wanted to make a point at the end of this post to say, suspicion of someone breaking a rule shouldn't be grounds for staff interruption. If needed I will specify what staff this was, but I wanted to put this in a post first to get a second opinion (before you say, I know this probably could and should have been multiple posts, but I just needed to get this all off my chest)

    yes, you are reading allat
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Sooo, as far as I'm aware, no one obligates you to turn on cosmetics if you don't feel like it, so I'd say if you feel like they're not making your experience better just don't use them.
    As for staff, I don't really know what you asked them about but I'm pretty sure that yes, an experienced player could have helped you if you asked in main chat as this is neither a bug or a report which is, in my opinion again, why staff is actually here, to watch out for bugs and people playing the game unfairly.
    For FAQs, there have been discussions of making one I think but its under development as far as I'm aware (and if you type the command yourself).
    The rest of the comment has nothing to do under the suggestion part as you mentionned, so maybe consider making a new post for that in the appropriate section ^^.
    Have a good day.
    Sloan. likes this.
  3. Sloan.

    Sloan. New Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    Yeah, pardon the last half wasnt really necessary my bad. But, I know cosmetics arent required but considering i spent 42 points on it (how many days of voting is tht idk) i feel like a quality of life feature like that should be added at some point. It certainly shouldn't be admin priority... thats not how i meant to come off. Started venting by mistake tbf.
  4. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I agree with you that a preview of particles would be really cool but it might be kinda hard to do.
  5. Sloan.

    Sloan. New Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    yeah, that, and turning them off for yourself.
  6. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    You can just go to the normal minecraft settings and turn off particles :p Using mods like Soddium and Sodium Extra you can even toggle or not each particles.
    #6 AshesRevamp, Feb 20, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
  7. Sloan.

    Sloan. New Member

    Feb 14, 2023
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    thank u so much!
  8. Waffle

    Waffle Active Member

    Jun 19, 2022
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    i agree with everything you’ve said but like, particles = yea
  9. GodOfSandwiches

    Jul 2, 2022
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    Disguises already have a hide command which can be toggled with /disguisevs which will hide the diguise for yourself but not others