Open One Chunk Challenge

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by InfamousDot, May 30, 2023.

  1. InfamousDot

    InfamousDot New Member

    Feb 12, 2020
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    I have seen this all over the interwebs.

    A one chunk challenge --- build your best inside of one chunk, get rated by votes?

    First place wins something
    Second place also wins something
    Third place wins a idk ... tag

    Everyone else, honorable mentions.

    4 week build time. 2 weeks if a team. Rewards are split between team members if its a team
  2. cammy_573

    cammy_573 Member

    Jan 7, 2022
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    Hi there InfamousDot,

    Thank you for coming to the forums to forward your suggestion to our team!
    This could be an excellent addition to our build competitions to make it more interesting for players to get involved with!

    If you would like this to be a feature, you could even trial it on the server yourself or with a team of people to host a player/community run event!
    This has been something to happen before; a group of people come up with the rules for the event, gather the rewards between them or ask for community donations and then announce it on the discord and in-game regularly with all the info and the deadline.

    Again thank you for your suggestion, please feel free to reply with your thoughts on this <3
  3. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Look at our srmod getting all professional over suggestions They grow up so fast <3 *emotional*

    On another note I really love the idea as it would push players to go for details rather than making massive builds that stay hollow so that could be fun. Great suggestion Dot!
    cammy_573 likes this.
  4. GodOfSandwiches

    Jul 2, 2022
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    I love this idea because just like Ash said it really pushes for details. It also helps because nobody will be able to make absolutely massive builds so it's good for people who don't have as much time but still want to participate. :)