Open Potential Updated Vote Rewards

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GodOfSandwiches, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. GodOfSandwiches

    Jul 2, 2022
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    Ok so as we know the vote update is coming soon™. So here are my suggestions for updated vote rewards that could be paired with my suggested updated reaction rewards which can be found here: think we,to my TedTalk.

    With the release of 1.20 comes armor trims. Something that will be highly sought after by players. However, These will be much harder to find over time because some of them are already quite rare like the ones found in ancient cities and stronghold libraries. Having armor trims as vote rewards would make them much easier to obtain and allow them to still be obtainable after a long time.

    Transparent item frames. These have been released with the spring/easter update. But they are quite difficult to get. It has been discussed in previous Town Hall Meetings to have these as vote rewards but I am leaving this here as a suggestion in case plans have changed.

    Removal of Enchanted Books as a reward. Enchanted Books are often regarded as useless by many players because of the widespread access of /enchant. Even for those without /enchant many are willing to do it for players for free as required by rules. This makes vanilla enchanting and enchanted books obsolete. We also have custom enchants that make even max default enchantment levels useless because of the higher level capabilities of custom enchants thus making vanilla enchanting even less useful along with /enchant.

    Increase in point reward values. Currently the point reward values are incredibly low at 2 and 4 point vouchers. This does not work well with the prices of the items in the point shop. The most valuable items in the point shop exceed prices of several hundred points. This makes these items more difficult for both new and old players because there aren't enough points. Increasing these rewards to 5 and 10 point vouchers would better reflect the prices of the items in the point shop and would make the items more accessible.

    Adding boosters to vote rewards. In the suggestion for reaction rewards one of the potential rewards is 5 or 10% boosters. I feel this would also make a good addition to vote rewards but perhaps with an increase to maybe 15% or 20%. However, I feel it would still work very well with the lower values.

    Higher Temp Fly values. Currently there is only a 15 minute Temp Fly reward and the chances of getting it are low. Many players do not own permanent fly and are reliant on Temp Fly. However these players cannot afford the keys needed for donor and seasonal crates which have the higher Temp Fly amounts. Many players are also unable to be online because of time zones and other circumstances in their daily lives like work or school. This prevents them from being able to get the crate keys needed for higher Temp Fly amounts. Adding higher Temp Fly amounts such as 30 minutes or 1 hour would greatly reduce this issue and make Temp Fly more obtainable. Along with these increased amounts there should be an increase in the chance of getting the vouchers.

    These are all my current suggestions. If you have more or constructive criticism feel free to reply.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Ok so as for the armor trims I don't think giving them in vote crates is good as you can duplicate them so you will never need others after you get one.
    I like the transparent items frames to be rare as they are not intended to be in vanilla so making those maybe only in event shops is pretty cool imo.

    The enchanted books I agree are useless as a default can ask an ultimate for these enchants or get better ones with the crate items.
    Increasing the point vouchers I also agree with as points are not that hard to get so maybe a slight increase wouuld be appreciated.
    The boosters seem like a terrible idea as the economy is overpowered enough already without morre being added to vote crate/reactions boxes.
    The tempfly I feel like is a good idea as getting those in event crates is pretty annoying so why not switch them to vote.
    GodOfSandwiches likes this.