Default to Prestige 4 Requirements!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by grayson_, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. grayson_

    grayson_ Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    As of March 29th, 2023 I am saying that I am NOT 100% sure if this list is completely accurate, however when I get to Prestige++++, I will be updating it with the accurate requirements.

    Default -> Gardener ($5k) Place 1 Pumpkin seed, 1 Bamboo, and 1 Beetroot seed. 5 Minutes Playtime
    Gardener -> Rancher ($7.5k) Break 1 Melon block, 1 potato, and 1 wheat. 15 Minutes Playtime
    Rancher -> JrFarmer ($10k) Break 2 Diamond ore, kill 1 cow, sheep and pig. 30 Minutes Playtime
    JrFarmer -> Farmer ($15k) Place 44 Wood Planks, 1 wood door, and 1 chest. 45 Minutes Playtime
    Farmer -> SrFarmer ($30k) Place 15 fences, 1 fence gate, and 4 torches. 1 Hour Playtime
    SrFarmer -> Botanist ($45k) Breed 1 pair of animals, trade with 1 villager. 2 Hours Playtime
    Botanist -> GrowMaster ($60k) Purchase the Silk Perk perms from /pointshop. 4 Hours Playtime.
    GrowMaster -> GrowLord ($120k) Have 30 XP Levels, craft an enchanting table, enchant 1 item. 6 Hours Playtime
    GrowLord -> GrowKing ($240k) Make $25k before daily restart, Til the ground 128 times, place 128 crops, place 16 water buckets. 8 Hours Playtime
    GrowKing -> GrowGod ($480k) Reach 300 Herbalism, 300 Mining, 25 Fishing. 10 Hours Playtime
    GrowGod -> GrowTitan ($960k) Make $50k before daily restart. 12 Hours Playtime
    GrowTitan -> Prestige+ ($1m) Kill 250 animals. 14 Hours Playtime

    Default to Prestige+ TOTAL: $2,972,500

    Prestige+ -> Gardener+ ($1.5m) Harvest 5000 Crops. 16 Hours Playtime
    Gardener+ -> Rancher+ ($2m) Breed 35 pairs of animals, Reach 450 Mining. 18 Hours Playtime
    Rancher+ -> JrFarmer+ ($2.5m) Make $150k before restart. 20 Hours Playtime
    JrFarmer+ -> Farmer+ ($3m) Kill 45 Nether mobs. 22 Hours Playtime
    Farmer+ -> SrFarmer+ ($3.5m) Reach 50 Fishing. 24 Hours Playtime
    SrFarmer+ -> Botanist+ ($4m) Have 60 Experience Levels. 26 Hours Playtime
    Botanist+ -> GrowMaster+ ($4.5m) Reach 100 Excavation. 28 Hours Playtime
    GrowMaster+ -> GrowLord+ ($5m) Break 15 Spawners. 30 Hours Playtime
    GrowLord+ -> GrowKing+ ($5.5m) Trade with 15 villagers. 32 Hours Playtime
    GrowKing+ -> GrowGod+ ($6m) Reach 350 Excavation. 34 Hours Playtime
    GrowGod+ -> GrowTitan+ ($8m) Reach 5 Alchemy, Craft 6 Glass Bottles, Full Diamond Armor, Enchant 4 items, Kill 90 Nether Mobs. 36 Hours Playtime
    GrowTitan+ -> Prestige++ ($10m) Kill 1 Wither, Craft and interact with a beacon. 38 Hours Playtime

    Prestige+ to Prestige++ TOTAL: $55,500,000

    Prestige++ -> Gardener++ ($11m) Til the ground 750 times, place 750 crops, place 64 water buckets. 42 Hours Playtime
    Gardener++ -> Rancher++ ($12m) Place 576 wood planks, 4 doors, and 8 chests. 46 Hours Playtime
    Rancher++ -> JrFarmer++ ($13m) Kill 10 bats. 50 Hours Playtime
    JrFarmer++ -> Farmer++ ($14m) Place 72 jungle logs, and 36 cocoa beans. 54 Hours Playtime
    Farmer++ -> SrFarmer++ ($15m) Catch 300 Fish. 58 Hours Playtime
    SrFarmer++ -> Botanist++ ($16m) Make $300k before daily restart. 62 Hours Playtime
    Botanist++ -> GrowMaster++ ($17m) Vote for PF 10 times. 68 Hours Playtime
    GrowMaster++ -> GrowLord++ ($18m) Kill 300 Nether Mobs. 70 Hours Playtime
    GrowLord++ -> GrowKing++ ($19m) Harvest 12500 crops. 74 Hours Playtime
    GrowKing++ -> GrowGod++ ($20m) Break 25 of 8 different things in /prices. 78 Hours Playtime
    GrowGod++ -> GrowTitan++ ($25m) Breed 200 pairs of animals. 82 Hours Playtime
    GrowTitan++ -> Prestige+++ ($30m) Place 42 Prismarine blocks, craft and place a conduit. 86 Hours Playtime

    Prestige++ to Prestige+++ TOTAL: $210,000,000

    Prestige+++ -> Gardener+++ ($35m) Reach 1000 Mining. 90 Hours Playtime
    Gardener+++ -> Rancher+++ ($40m) Make $500k before daily restart. 94 Hours Playtime
    Rancher+++ -> JrFarmer+++ ($45m) Place 200 cobblestone, 7 spawners, and 4 water buckets. 98 Hours Playtime
    JrFarmer+++ -> Farmer+++ ($50m) Reach 300 Woodcutting, and 1500 Herbalism. 102 Hours Playtime
    Farmer+++ -> SrFarmer+++ ($55m) Mine 64 of every ore. 106 Hours Playtime
    SrFarmer+++ -> Botanist+++ ($60m) Harvest 25k crops. 110 Hours Playtime
    Botanist+++ -> GrowMaster+++ ($65m) Break 128 of each log. 114 Hours Playtime
    GrowMaster+++ -> GrowLord+++ ($70m) Reach 550 Woodcutting. 118 Hours Playtime
    GrowLord+++ -> GrowKing+++ ($75m) Make $750k before daily restart. 122 Hours Playtime
    GrowKing+++ -> GrowGod+++ ($80m) Catch a Dragon Fish from /warp fishing. 126 Hours Playtime
    GrowGod+++ -> GrowTitan+++ ($90m) Reach 15 Alchemy, Craft 18 Glass Bottles, Kill 50 Endermen. 130 Hours Playtime
    GrowTitan+++ -> Prestige++++ ($100m) Summon the Dragon in /warp dragon, Get the last hit. 134 Hours Playtime

    Prestige+++ to Prestige++++ TOTAL: $765,000,000

    Default to Prestige++++ TOTAL: $1,033,472,500

    (EDIT: 3/29/2023) Prestige+++++ Requirements coming soon.
    #1 grayson_, Jul 6, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
  2. Buda

    Buda New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Likes Received:
    awesome post!
    grayson_ likes this.
  3. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    Bump because useful :D
  4. Pizzadino_

    Pizzadino_ New Member

    May 30, 2023
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    Prestige++++ -> Gardener++++ ($200m) Kill each mob 128 times: Ghast, Hoglin, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Strider, Piglin, Zombie Piglin. 142 Hours Playtime
    Gardener++++ -> Rancher++++ ($300m) Craft 5 netherite blocks, reach mining level 4k. 150 Hours Playtime
    Rancher++++ -> JrFarmer++++ ($400m) Catch 1500 Common Fish, Catch 500 Rare Fish, Catch 250 Epic Fish, Catch 15 Legendary Fish, Catch 5 Mythical Fish. 158 Hours Playtime
    JrFarmer++++ -> Farmer++++ ($500m) Harvest 4 million crops. 166 Hours Playtime
    Farmer++++ -> SrFarmer++++ ($600m) Kill 100 Wither Bosses, Reach Unarmed level 1k. 174 Hours Playtime
    SrFarmer++++ -> Botanist++++ ($700m) Kill each mob 256 times: Cow, Sheep, Pig, Rabbit, Chickens, Villager, Horse, Iron Golem. 182 Hours Playtime
    Botanist++++ -> GrowMaster++++ ($800m) Plant 100,000 crops. 190 Hours Playtime
    GrowMaster++++ -> GrowLord++++ ($900m) Obtain the "Balanced Diet" advancement, Achieve 10 fishing contest wins. 198 Hours Playtime
    GrowLord++++ -> GrowKing++++ ($1b) Harvest each crop 250,000 times: Carrot, Potato, Wheat, Beet Root, Netherwart, Sugar Cane, Melon, Pumpkin. 206 Hours Playtime
    GrowKing++++ -> GrowGod++++ ($1.1b) Make $50m before the daily restart, reach level 50 alchemy. 214 Hours Playtime
    GrowGod++++ -> GrowTitan++++ ($1.2b) Kill the Ender Dragon 25 times, Obtain the "Adventuring Time" Advancement. 222 Hours Playtime
    GrowTitan++++ -> Prestige+++++ ($1.5b) Kill the Warden once. 230 Hours Playtime

    Prestige++++ to Prestige+++++ TOTAL: $9,200,000,000
    Default to Prestige+++++ TOTAL: $10,233,472,500
    #4 Pizzadino_, Jun 22, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  5. InfamousDot

    InfamousDot New Member

    Feb 12, 2020
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    Gardener ++++ to Farmer ++++ (500m) Harvest 4 million crops, 166 hours playtime
    * it counts the crops you have already harvested, fyi
  6. iMelXP

    iMelXP New Member
    Community Teams

    Aug 3, 2020
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  7. Spooks

    Spooks New Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    You are actually awesome and I appreciate you <3 Thank you for this :)
    #7 Spooks, Oct 3, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2023