Price revaluation.

Discussion in 'General' started by AKoopa, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. AKoopa

    AKoopa New Member

    Feb 5, 2024
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    I know I am new to this server so I’m still getting to know the community. However I have been on 3 servers before this one for over a year each, and was staff on one also. Price changes scare me.

    this server has an amazing community that has helped me starting out. From gifting me a competitive fishing rod, and simple advice, to offering P4 prices at prebuilt farms, getting me up the ranks very quickly.

    In the server I just came from and the ones before, I had warps setup to help new people with money, and access to ways to make money, as others have here, then the owners revamped the prices to “help” the new players. Unfortunately this had the opposite effect every time. Warps closed, older players left and new players didn’t stay as the community dwindled.

    I hope I am completely wrong about the resilience of this community and/or the price revamp being a lowering of prices.

    I see this server as another with a great community and hate the idea of losing it right at the start of my time here.
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Active Member

    May 21, 2022
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    I think the price revaluation is mostly to stop having just carrot as a meta but rather have a range of crops to chhoose from that won't be less profitable.

    This way, while the price might not get lower, it will be more entertaiining to farm as you won't just have the same single thing to farm over and over again.
  3. AKoopa

    AKoopa New Member

    Feb 5, 2024
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    Thanks for replying and sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick.
    It would be more interesting to farm different crops for similar carrot returns. I’ll look forward to building farms for them after I’ve finished my first server farm (carrots) LOL
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