Open Ultimate Custom Enchant & Ability Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Michael769, Mar 13, 2025.

  1. Michael769

    Michael769 Staff In-Training

    May 13, 2023
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    I’ve put together a complete guide to all custom enchantments on Peaceful Farms. I’ll do my best to keep it updated and provide as much detail as possible. If you notice any missing enchantments or inaccuracies in the descriptions, please let me know, and I’ll make the necessary corrections!
    Thank you LuSxcks for providing a lot of the needed information!

    (This guide is a work in progress and not yet complete. Some enchantments are missing, and not all included ones have detailed descriptions.)

    Armor Enchants

    Restores the player's hunger while moving, including walking, running, and looking around. It generally maintains a full hunger bar, but actions like sprint jumping or sprinting with Speed effects (from beacons or the Gears enchant) can deplete hunger faster than it restores.
    VOTE HELMET (Implants I)

    Gives the player the swiftness effect depending on what level of enchant the armor has (1 level of swiftness for each level of the gears enchant, up to Gears V.
    Bugs Bunny's Boots (Gears I)
    Easter Boots II (Gears II)
    Summer Boots (Gears III)
    Butterfly Boots (Gears III)
    Easter Boots III (Gears III)
    Romantic Boots (Gears III)
    Beach Sandals (Gears V)

    Springs/AntiGravity– Provides a jump boost effect.

    Pacifism – Calms mobs around you - Its effect grows stronger the more enchanted armor pieces you wear

    Impulse – Armor charges based on the number of equipped pieces. Each piece grants 25 impulse, increasing the
    charge duration but also amplifying the damage. When triggered, the impulse affects all entities within a 6-block radius, excluding you. The total damage is divided among all entities within the radius at the moment of the explosion.

    Shockwave – Flings Players away from you. When hitting shift any player close to you will be flung away (Requires all pieces to be worn)

    Fire Thorns – Sets the mob/player attacking you on fire

    Freeze Thorns – Gives freeze effect to mob/player when they attack you

    Feather – Slow falling effect when player jumps

    Bunny Hop – Double jump

    Rampage – When low health, will give you strength, regen and refill your hearts

    Cupids Aura – Heals you and people around you when hitting shift (Requires all pieces to be worn)

    Dolphins Grace – Gives the player the dolphins grace effect.

    Jerrys Grace – Speed Boost (Gives you highly increased speed when hitting shift)[Gary Armor Set (Requires all pieces to be worn)]
    Gary Helmet
    Gary Chestplate
    Gary Leggings
    Gary Boots

    Wither II - When hitting a mob, the mob will have the wither effect.

    Armageddon - Transforms you into a wither skeleton with powerful buffs!
    Jerryite Helmet
    Jerryite Chestplate
    Jerryite Leggings
    Jerryite Boots

    Flutter - Slow levitation effect

    Nursery - Regeneration

    Tool Enchants
    Haste – Gives the player haste effect when holding the tool.
    Mystery Sword (III)
    Mystery Pickaxe (II)
    Mystery Hoe (I)
    Mystery Axe (III)
    Mystery Shovel (I)

    Telepathy – Automatically transfers broken blocks or harvested crops into the player's inventory. (Takes priority over PF hoppers.)

    Furnace – Instantly smelts mined ores.

    Laser – Shift + Right-click to fire a laser at a targeted block, causing an explosion in a surrounding radius. Works on liquids like lava.

    Blast – Breaks blocks in a radius around the block being mined.(Exclusive to pickaxes.)
    Blast 1: 3×3×1
    Blast 2: 3×3×2
    Blast 3: 3×3×3
    Mystery Pickaxe (II)

    Smash – Allows faster breaking of blocks that are normally resistant to Efficiency.

    Bait – Increases the size of caught fish. (e.g., Instead of a 500m legendary, you might catch a 650m legendary.)

    Convert – Converts seeds obtained from harvesting into their corresponding crop (e.g., Wheat Seeds → Wheat).

    Fertilizer – Right-clicking a crop applies the same effect as bonemeal, speeding up growth.

    Vision – Shift + Right-click to highlight nearby ores with a glowing effect, making them visible through walls.

    Experience – Increases the amount of XP gained from mining ores and killing mobs. (Affects
    Minecraft XP for enchanting, not MCMMO XP.)
    Mystery Sword
    Mystery Hoe (II)
    Mystery Axe (II)
    Mystery Shovel (II)

    Excavation – Breaks blocks in a radius around the mined block.(Exclusive to shovels.)
    Excavation 1: 3×3×1
    Excavation 2: 3×3×2
    Excavation 3: 3×3×3
    Mystery Shovel (II)

    Hellforged – Repairs equipped items while walking or flying.
    Mystery Pickaxe (I)
    Mystery Hoe (III)
    Mystery Axe (III)
    Mystery Shovel (III)

    Weapon Enchants

    Lightning – Chance to summon lightning upon hitting a mob.
    Mystery Sword

    Doctor – Heals you when you shoot your bow/crossbow.
    Cupid's Crossbow(I)
    Cupid's Bow ❤(III)
    TeddyBear Bow(II)

    Freeze – Applies a freezing effect to mobs or players when you hit them.
    Yeti Bow (I)

    Multi-Arrow – Give a chance to shoot up to 3 additional arrows depending on the level of the enchant.
    Haunted Crossbow (II)
    The Swarm (I)
    Nebula Crossbow(I)
    Cupid's Crossbow(II)
    Romantic Bow (III)
    Starburst Bow (III)
    Cupid's Bow ❤(III)
    .·:*Cloud Bow*:·.(II)

    Dash – Shift + Right-click while holding the shield to quickly slide yourself forward.
    Frozen Shield

    Meow - Converts arrows to cats if they bounce off your shield.
    Heart Shield
    Cat Shield

    Miscellaneous Enchants
    Candy Cane – Particles, Anyone in a 5 block radius get strength 1 for 30 seconds
    Krampus's Horn

    Nerf Gun – Fires a wind charge that launches players and mobs away.
    Toy Sword

    Teleport – Teleports the player to the landing location of an arrow from a bow, thrown trident, or a cast fishing rod.
    Toy Bow
    Toy Grappling Hook ✮
    Bugs Bunny's Leaping Device

    Fireball Swarm
    Found on the Greatest Defender sword that can be purchased from Rebecca's Mom at /warp Dragon. When you right click the sword this ability shoots out a fire charge that explodes on impact. This ability has a 5s cooldown.
    Greatest Defender

    Found on the Dragon Claw that is crafted when you unlock the recipe from a Pickaperk. Right clicking the Dragon Claw will execute a /sellall command. This ability has a 5s cooldown.
    Dragon's Claw

    Found on the Greatest Spade that can be purchased from Rebecca's Mom at /warp Dragon. When you right click the shovel this ability launches the player in the direction that they are facing. This ability has a 5s cooldown.
    Greatest Spade

    Angels Healing
    Found on the Healing Axe, which is crafted from 3 compressed gold ingots and 2 Mythical Bamboo, this effect fully heals the player and applies 4s of regeneration effect. The effect has a 20s cooldown
    Healing Axe

    Sugar Rush
    This ability is found on the CANDY CANE hoe. It gives the player the speed II effect for 2 minutes with a 2 mintute cooldown.

    Fruit Ninja (Ability VIII)
    When you right click the tool this ability launches the player in the direction that they are facing. This doesn't go as far as the Greatest Spade and the player doesn't get as much forward momentum from it. This ability has a 5s cooldown.
    Fruit Ninja

    Guardians Protection
    This is found on all of the prismarine tools and give the player the effects of a conduit. When right clicked you gain haste and aqua affinity effects when underwater or when it is raining. This ability has a 20 minute cooldown.
    Prismarine Pickaxe
    Prismarine Shovel
    Prismarine Axe

    Particle Enchants
    1namedparticles.png 2namedparticles.png
    #1 Michael769, Mar 13, 2025
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2025 at 7:59 PM
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