Denied Ultimate Rank Suggestion

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by TheStarFire, Jan 11, 2018.


Do you think the /nick command should be available in ranks?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. No but I do think people who already bought it should get it back.

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  1. TheStarFire

    TheStarFire New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I understand it to be that the ultimate rank no longer has the /nick command. I think this command should be added back into the rank system, regardless of which tiers you wish to choose. I know this is a low likelihood.
    But what about those who A. are unaware of this and B. bought the rank before the change?

    For those who are unaware, the site should have a VERY readable notice at the top of the rank description and/or buy page, stating the changes.

    For those who already bought the rank before the change, I believe they should either be compensated to purchase the command or just given the command, whichever works.

    On another note, I'm under the firm belief that the nick command gives a personality to chat that everyone can participate in. I know our new owner believes it to be an unfortunate command, but that's no reason to attempt to banish it. If you think this command is bad for the server, firstly I'd have to disagree with you, but second I think you should look at the fact that you've sold this command on this server via ranks and individual purchasing since as long as I can remember, and I've been here awhile. Removing it from the ranks is a bad move, in my opinion.

    Thank you for reading.

    Chickencharm likes this.
  2. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    To be fair those who have had ranks in the past were more than fairly compensated. I can see your point but certain aspects of the ranks were taken away and other aspects of the new ranks were added.
  3. TheStarFire

    TheStarFire New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    How were they "more than" fairly compensated? Were they given more money than they spent? No. As I understand it, we were refunded everything we spent on the shop. Which is great. I'm not complaining about that :) However we are now required to spend an extra $5 on a command that we were promised in the first place. That's all I'm saying. Thanks for your input!
    If you're interested in my full opinion on this topic, just head over to the staff-assistance section in discord where I've been speaking with jacob on the matter.
  4. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I said more than fairly compensated as the owner put a sale on ranks which people were going to buy with the voucher they got.
  5. TheStarFire

    TheStarFire New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Oh okay. I get you, but I actually paid $3 less than the price it was this time, so that really didn't affect me much other than just being able to buy it again rather than it being at full price.
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    You were promised that command on past donor ranks, not the NEW ultimate rank that was recently brought to the shop, you were given a coupon with your money spent on the server all together, not just for the ultimate rank that you continue to believe is the same rank as the previous, you never took into consideration its the changes, You're purchasing that rank because of the features its comes with, assuming it comes with previous features on other ranks is in no way our fault.
    Harry likes this.
  7. TheStarFire

    TheStarFire New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I completely disagree with you and I'm sure you may have seen my conversation with Jacob in the discord chat. If you wish to know my opinion on this, please read it there. I refuse to continue reiterating what I think every time a different moderator says something like this. To put it shortly, I bought this command when this rank was still in its previous state; it is not my responsibility to monitor a list of commands available and try to determine if anything has been removed. In addition, it's a gift card, not a refund. I could only ever use that money in the shop for this server. Don't act like it was such a great act of kindness to return my money in the form of a gift card. I do not consider this to be a purchase. I already had this rank. If the server had not reset and screwed up everyone's rank, the result would have been the same without me having to go into the shop and "re-buy" the rank. This is a crutch and dodge to try and put the blame on me, and I do not agree with it whatsoever. However, that is besides the point. I'll continue to speak with Jacob on the matter. Thank you for the response.

    I'm not trying to sound angry, or accuse anyone of anything, but I do stand by what I said originally. Please don't take offense for none is intended.
  8. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    No, the reset didnt " mess up " the donor ranks, ranks were changed and the majority vote wanted a full reset, prices also changed. The act of kindness you should appreciate then rant about a command that was dismissed. You were refunded in a gift-card, thats enough. He wasn't going to refund every single donation back to the paypals/ other payment methods since that would be totally a dumb move from a business aspect, Take into consideration that we're doing our best for the server and not just singular opinions that hate change. You're in your full rights to want /nick back however as i said you weren't promised it and you weren't forced to re-buy, thats all i'm against from what you're saying.
  9. TheStarFire

    TheStarFire New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    "Mess up" being everyone losing their rank. If that had not happened I would not have had to re-buy. And yes, I was forced to re-buy. What, you expect me to just leave the money sitting in a random shop on a website? What is the point? The only way to return my account to its previous state was to "purchase the rank again with the reimbursement."
    But I digress. Like I said I don't want to keep reiterating my opinion. Please read the discord if you're interested. Otherwise I'm done talking about my personal issue on this thread. This was for others' benefit, as well.
  10. Cappe987

    Cappe987 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Think of the bigger picture. Not only the ranks have changed. A lot of things have changed. Personally, being a long time player, I don't see this as some small changes. I see it as a new server with the same old friends. People have been upset over many changes, the nickname being only one of them. I have always been a fan of nicknames, my nickname was my soul on the server, it was the name I was known by, but having been staff I have seen a lot of abuse of the command and Jacob and the team has all the right to call it an "unfortunate command". I honestly think it would have been better if they didn't have it on the server at all. This soul/personality with the nickname can work with the IGN too. After all, you (most people) chose your own name when buying the game.

    You could also see it on the bright side. Consider yourself lucky that you've had your rank for these 3 years or so. Kaynine could just have shut down the server and your money would be lost forever. Or the new owner could have just not given you any compensation, he could also have changed major aspects of the server and make it to his liking instead of listening to the community. Jacob is honestly the best thing that could have happened to the server. He listens to the community and his staff and alters the server so everyone is happy. But with a new owner there are bound to be changes that someone isn't satisified with.

    Nicknames being removed is kind of like when Netflix removed Futurama. I really enjoyed watching the show and I had paid for it. But despite it being gone now there is still tons of other stuff that I've paid for and can watch, same as with your rank. Of course I am upset over Futurama being removed but whatever, you can't always have it your way, sometimes it's just best moving on with life. Finding other Netflix shows.

    Regards, Caper
  11. Oi

    Oi New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    In light of this, Staff have the rights to the /nick command, but as I believe, they were asked to keep their Nicknames something similar to their IGN (MoBounce is MoMo, Jarar is Jar) to avoid any confusion. It did get confusing having the nicknames, but it also brought about a lot of fun, as Caper stated. Most people, like myself, are okay with letting one small command go, however, it is still available for purchase, should you need it so badly. As an ULT, I think the rank has certainly been cut since the reset, yes, but, I still feel like I have something to do on the server now. I know many ULTs that would stop playing because, with all the perks they had, the server got boring because there wasn't anything they really needed to work towards, or anything new they could do.

    I think the way /nick is now, that you have to buy it, will tame the nicknames on the server, and make it easier for staff to punish, and players to report others. Besides the fact that it was kinda fun, I see no other downside to the change.
    Ky likes this.
  12. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Perhaps the staff could consider give all previous rank owners a single use of /nick to change their names back to what they had before, if that's possible. That way if they want continued use, they still have to buy it, but older users can still have their previous names back.
    Ky likes this.
  13. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Group manager doesn't support this however it could be something we look into, i'll inquire!
  14. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Hrm, hope you don't mind me rambling on about possible ways to do it. What I would suggest, since /nick <player> <name> can be used to change other's names and server issued commands are always top level (from what I recall of running servers myself), is a plugin that serves as an in between for those who don't have free access to it. It could track someone's name and how many uses are left, and could have a command such as /sunick <nick> (su standing for single use) where it would respond (after confirming the nickname) by issuing the normal /nick command. I don't know has much about buycraft, so I would have to look into how it deals with server communication, but I imagine there'd be a way to pass the necessary information over to the theoretical plugin.
  15. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    We've previously added /namecolor to compensate for this, we have no plans to put /nick back to ultimate simply due to how many people we'd have to go through to refund if we were to do this.
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