Resolved Complete Reset

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Daniel_55423, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I am here to advocate for a complete reset, including everything except donor rank.

    I believe that players should start from scratch, I understand that many players have created very large things or have come to a very high rank, but I would like to suggest that everything is reset, including player data.

    It doesn't make sense to remove everything for beginners, but to leave hundreds of millions, or billions from some players, they have only played, longer, they're not better, for the most part. Everything should be reset, otherwise people with hundreds of millions can sit around with their money and just pay others to make massive auto-farms for them.

    When I joined, i basically made my way to prestige+ in a couple days because I had farms of Prestige+++'s to sell to, the game isn't as much fun if you can grind to the top in a couple weeks (and you can, I got to +++ in 2 weeks). Let's reset everything, including player data. Everyone should begin with $100, and at rank [Default], I realize this is not the most popular opinion, but otherwise ehh, the game is pretty boring, I already got Prestige+++ in 2-3 weeks, if I get to keep it the game is kinda pointless. Let's reset everything.
    Ky and Alexis L Cheng like this.
  2. Alexis L Cheng

    Alexis L Cheng New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    so basically if you want to do things your way, you should create another world. you bought the server, we didnt. i do want a downloadable map of the current map though so I can explore it a bit more. new people join this server like everyday
  3. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    and yeah I know lots of people are going to complain but too bad.. like if you have 1Bil ingame then what are you doing?? You're flying around your base and selling your cacti every couple hours.I think everyone's money should reset and everyone can start from the beginning.
  4. Dezimirung

    Dezimirung New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    So because you personally made it to prestige+++ in a few weeks, we should reset the server and ''punish'' all the players. Ok cool. While I understand the whole point, which is that some players have a lot of money and can pay new players to do the job for them, it's still a CHOICE that you make. In your case, you made the choice of working on a prestige+++ farm and getting a lot of money for it. No one forced you to. You could've created a small farm somewhere as default and grinded to the top. That's what I did at the last reset.

    I don't believe we should have a full reset because some players took different choices than others. If you find the server boring, you are free to leave, you know. Players can do whatever they want with their money; yes, some of us are quite rich, but hey I guess that's what capitalism is.
  5. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    It's not punishment. Resets will always happen, you will get used to it. You have to understand, if it's a onetime deal where someone makes it to the top, then they stop playing, that's the logic behind resets, it retains older players. i personally think there should be a complete reset every 2 or 3 months.
  6. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Closing this suggestion as it's outdated.
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