A plethora of greivances!

Discussion in 'General' started by Dragonlaidy, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Dragonlaidy

    Dragonlaidy New Member

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Look, this is MY FAVORITE server, and I hate to see it go down this road. I know I am not the only one who isn't very happy either. I'm not talking about the reset, I voted in favor for it, and I was glad it happened, and I'm not talking about ranks either.
    My biggest complaint is the monetizing of /nick and not including it with ult, while ult has /god and /invsee.
    I just tried to fight the ender dragon, and found out that it required quest items, which is ridiculous.
    I dislike, but understand the disabling of chest shops.
    And finally, spawners. Oof. I understand not being able to *buy* spawners, but they're rare enough that mining them should be allowed.
    MrGrinnan (Lee) likes this.
  2. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    I'll go ahead and say what I did in chat at one point: at the very least, create a point system that counts how many wild spawners are harvested and gives out spawners when a certain amount is reach. IE: you get one spawner for every 20 wild spawners harvested. This would allow a finite control to create the rarity which is sought after without making wild spawners 100% pointless.
  3. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    To be honest /nick being a separate command has been over reacted to. To be honest the new Ultimate rank is new and does not have to include what it promised in the past it is NEW for a reason. Not to mention the fact that 2020 has given people ranks back which he did not even get money for, and people are giving him a hard time about it. As for the quests in February a new update is coming regarding them (as far as I know). Wild spawners not being able to be picked up makes spawners rare which I like. There is no point calling spawners rare then having them being able to be found in the wild so easily. I do like Akago's suggestion for the wild spawners.
  4. Bioheat1969

    Bioheat1969 Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Calling spawners rare when only a select few have them at all is just stupid, I'm sorry to put it that way, but only a few players managed to get spawners out of the points shop before they went away! This gives those players an unfair advantage over other players giving them access to mob drops that others never will because you CAN'T pick up wild spawners and you CAN'T buy spawners in the shop. Want to level the playing field? Delete all spawners on the server accept the wild ones and leave it so no-one can pick them up. Then use Akago's suggestion, this will make things better because it levels the playing field, this is the reason people are complaining about the spawners(myself included).

    As for the ranks, I have no issue with the way 2020 handled that, I actually commend him for giving out ranks for which Kaynine was paid, that was a real stand up move, and if everyone reads the descriptions on the ranks, some commands, while not active yet, are coming soon, so the ranks will only improve as each new piece gets implemented. My rank is actually better under the new set up than it was in the old one, so I won't be complaining about that.
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Spawners will be coming back to the points shop, don't worry.
    /nick will be remain in our buycraft store however ULT may recieve /nick without colour however no further information has been released.