Accepted Night Vision

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by CupCake1487, Jan 21, 2018.

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  1. CupCake1487

    CupCake1487 New Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    It's a dark Saturday evening, it's way past bedtime and your computer brightness is turned down as low as it can go to not alert your parents that you're still awake. You then turn the volume down so it's barely audible, just loud enough you can hear your footsteps in the dark cave you log onto. Checking your bag you 64 torches, smiling to yourself because you know your cave adventure will not be over soon. Descending into the mine you look around and place a torch, looking behind you to see the lightened path you left behind from your Friday night cave vacation. Drip, Drip, Drip, your improved graphics show the water dripping from the stone above you aim your ultimate pick axe above and quickly mine the stone. It falls perfectly into your inventory completing a stack of cobblestone. Suddenly, the water rushes down you quickly hit the 9 button and switch to your torch as the water pushes you further and further down into the caves. You can only hope you can find your way out, you quickly place more and more torches not keeping track of how few you have left. You left to only to realize that you had placed all your torches, the water continues to run down. You hit the space key quickly trying to swim back to the light but the water pushes you farther and father down. Finally you hear a thud. Looking above your food bar you notice you are now completely underwater. You hit space only to find the water pushed you into an underwater lake.
    You search and search while your oxygen runs lower and lower, torchless, breathless, sightless, your character blurbs it's final blub and the screen turns dark.

    Now, a situation like this is easily avoidable however that ruins the story don't you think? Now instead let's change the ending just a little bit. Try stopping at the part where your player dies and read the paragraph below.

    With your quick thinking you type the command /nightvision the world is now clear as day, you swim are able to find the one block on the ceiling where the water could not penetrate, your saving grace, a small pocket of air. You pick up your ultimate pick axe and make your way back to where the waterfall pushed you into the dark recesses of the cave. You are free, free of the darkness and free of the watery grave.

    This is a concept that of course, would rarely occur with all the amazing commands allowed by the server such as /fly, and /back however I do not see how the addition of /nightvision would cause any harm. I recommend it being only allowed for donating or as command by itself. It would be fantastic if the hero and ultimate doner ranks came with this feature.

    I appreciate you taking the time to read, discuss with staff, and decide on this new command.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hopefully we could get this! I'll look into it. BTW this is now my fav thread, never seen a thread selling an suggestion as good as this on peaceful farms XD
    Mai likes this.
  3. Amber

    Amber Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Woah you should be a writer xD! A great suggestion as well !
  4. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    To be fair, and I've heard staff say adjusting gamma is alright, you can easily modify the options.txt file within %appdata%/.minecraft and turn the gamma up, effectively adjusting how dark the game gets with no light to your preference. Cranking it up really high will make it so it never gets dark. I currently run with it set to 5 and I'll include a picture of what an unlit cave looks like at that level. At 5, night on the surface looks the same as day.

    The only downside is to adjust it, you have to restart your game, so I can see the use of /nightvision for those who aren't comfortable making those kind of changes and for convenience. I just thought I would offer an alternative for the meantime and if staff chooses not to add the command.

  5. CupCake1487

    CupCake1487 New Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I'm glad you really like the writing, it took a bit to do! I appreciate it. :D Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. ^^
  6. CupCake1487

    CupCake1487 New Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Awe, thank you! That's very sweet. ^^ I have always enjoyed writing, to be honest I have a few things that are published. Nothing too big just a few poems. ^^ Thanks for taking the time to reply!
    Amber likes this.
  7. CupCake1487

    CupCake1487 New Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Ohh that's really cool! I didn't know that. ^^ Change the settings is a great idea, I'm sure a lot of people will listen to your suggestion, however I agree with the part where some might not be comfortable with it. The last time I tried to change a setting on my computer I crashed it... hince me not being active on the server since spring of 2017 haha. xD
  8. Oasis

    Oasis New Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    That could be considered cheating but currently, there is no rule against it.
  9. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Yes, which is why I wouldn't have brought it up without having previously heard staff say it was allowed. Not all servers will be alright with it.
    Oasis likes this.
  10. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Accepted :)
    CupCake1487 likes this.
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