I'm working on my woodland mansion, it's a rather large remodel that will keep me going for a while. This: http://peacefulfarms.net/threads/the-transformation-of-my-woodland-mansion.63/
Personally, I am working on a HUGE base. Planning on making most of my base underground but this is the current layout: http://prntscr.com/i6l67e Now I am curious, what are you working on?
I'm working on improving my skill of running in circles. Please show us what you are currently doing :3
I'm working with a couple other people on a bedrock to world height cactus farm, and a mega sugar cane farm
I'm working on a couple of farms (namely my button-sand cactus farm and my sugarcane farm) Just finished my fully automatic Melon/Pumpkin farm! The design was from ilmango's video:
Er I'm 1. Complete my Cactus farm 2. Complete my meat farm 3. Start on my melon farm 4. Expand my sugarcane farm