Resolved Regular resets of which kind and compensation to older players

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Daniel_55423, Jan 2, 2018.

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  1. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I believe resets should be normal, it evens the playing field and it is not a punishment, it is a fresh start. Eventually the game will get boring for older players when they have nothing else to make.

    I think map resets and eco resets should be regular, with rank resets being regular too, but less frequent.

    I think it is a good idea to have some kind of server build competition every month, in order to entice players to stay active, and then it will make resets more okay. Competitions over means new map.. OR i guess, 6 competitions over means new map. Perhaps a build competition every month, an econ and map reset every 6 months, and a rank reset every year.

    Every month there will be an album of all the submissions to the competitions, so nothing will truly be lost, and the winners every month will receive prizes which carry over the reset, like store coupons, rare crate keys, rare quest items, etc. If you're not a great builder, that's okay we can have best farm competitions.

    Every eco reset they should adjust prices, that way it's not just like... okay time to make the same old melon farm again, but perhaps decrease prices of melon and ink, and increase say... nether wart, beetroot, and sugarcane.. that way every reset isn't just same old same old.. but it really will be a fresh start.

    This is an idea in progress so add your ideas in the comments too.

    I was also thinking some totally new quests.. perhaps like the volcano dungeon there is also an ice dungeon, and an ice forge, you can fight strong snowgolems and get ice fragments and craft ice armor and stuff like that..
    jacob likes this.
  2. Cappe987

    Cappe987 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I agree that there should be regular complete resets at 3 or 6 months (probably 6). Right now there hasn't been a total reset for close to 3 years and I've seen a bunch of players dropping off because they get bored after a while.

    We have held building competitions before and that is definitely something that I would like to see again. But the previous have been quite large scaled. I think 16x16x16 would be an good size and the time limit would be like a few days or max one week.

    I also like your idea of switching around the prices to change the current "meta" so it won't be the same every time. One problem though is that, despite doing price changes, wheat, potatoes, carrots and nether wart have never been that big due to the effort it takes to farm them. They're gonna need a big raise in price to be worth the effort.

    Another suggestion from my experience as a past staff member. Staff roles used to be, and I believe it still is, on top of all the other roles. Meaning that once you became staff you couldn't rank up anymore because they counted as top rank. I believe this has led to why some people drop off as staff fairly early. Staff should, if possible, always be able to rank up along with being staff.
  3. NathanHalo11

    NathanHalo11 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I think resets should be more often too but I would like to have a way to keep some of your farm and items like small player plots you could build on that would be kept over resets if that is possible to do like 32x32 plots because completely rebuilding is such a pain and somethimes causes players to leave
  4. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Right, some kind of mix is good. But resets are needed regularly.
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I wouldn't like to see common resets, rank sets.. the lot. I wouldn't. A few months ago we had a server upgrade that ensured resets will be more set back because there were more then tons of players complaining about them happening so often, there were 3 resets with 4months? Correct me if i'm wrong. The reason for the current reset is mostly for a fresh-start and reduced server lag etc, The storage isn't full. Hopefully our plans we have will excite you to play more! :cool:
    MrGrinnan (Lee) likes this.
  6. Daniel_55423

    Daniel_55423 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I am mostly concerned about this reset, but I do believe resets should be at least discussed regularly.
  7. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I would hate that to happen.
    MrGrinnan (Lee) likes this.
  8. NathanHalo11

    NathanHalo11 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I think people should be able to rank down if they desire to get a fresh start and they are already able to get rid of their land so you could have a personal restart
    MrGrinnan (Lee) likes this.
  9. MrGrinnan (Lee)

    MrGrinnan (Lee) New Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    I also think that it shouldn't happen very regularly (resets that is). If they're too frequent players like myself will feel like it's pointless to try to get things done because it's all for not within the next few months. I think that this might be a beneficial time to reset the whole lot; ranks, money, and all. But I'd be fine with just a map reset as well. You're (unfortunately) going to loose a few players regardless, probably more so if you do a full reset, but the players that are truly dedicated will stay. All in all, just pull the tooth.
    Daniel_55423 likes this.
  10. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I think that resets should be at least a year apart if possible. After the reset, I'll be doing a YT on the server, and another reset would mess it up. In the past I've done a Skyblock series on a different server, but that kind of failed due to a reset. If resets are planned, maybe try to announce them a few weeks in advance, maybe even a month? But, yeah, resets need to be as spaced out as possible.
  11. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I would really hate common resets on PF. PF simply does not need to reset as common as 3 months. But I do love the idea of the ice fragments and stuff like that.
  12. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    If resets are done regularly, it should be made so it doesn't feel like a 'loss' for the players. Perhaps, depending on how high your get in rank and balance, you get certain things on the next reset; points that could be spent on permanent commands, or some sort of advantage to make each iteration worth the effort.
  13. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Closing this suggestion as it's outdated.
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