Mix of Stuff I feel would improve the server.

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Twisted, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    1) Tutorial
    2) Maybe adjust spawn so its not so laggy.
    3) Crates (already stated opinion on aurys post)
    4) Would love to be able to sell ore even if its just diamonds and gold back to the shop at maybe 25% of the price. Not every one likes using the auction house to sell ore rather use it for redstone and stuff lol.
    5) Would love to see more biomes in the /rtp command list. you can even make it charge like 250 per rtp to specialty biomes.
    6) Would love a monthly or bi-monthly event or build competition with themes. Rewards could be a donor key or maybe even a month of apprentice. Or In game cash/rank up.
    7) Maybe a thing in the website shop to bypass the afk kicker :D (I know that one is unlikely but cant hurt to ask)
    8) would really love chest shops to return. I still dont understand the issue with them. Someone said they are op. However I would argue that chest shops are just a personalized way to use the auction house. Everything you can sell in auction you can sell in chest shops and if there are things you dont want sold in auction aka donor rank tools make them not allowed in chest shops as well. I understand you can get scammed with chest shops however it is an eco server people need to learn how to protect themselves eventually. Plus the rule is there so if reported player that did it would be dealt with.
    I honestly love chest shops cause i can build a creative store surrounding it.

    Please use this thread to discuss your opinions on my ideas and feel free to add your own here too.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I think staff would have to be very careful when adding ore to the sell shop, given this isn't a mining server and we want people farming to make money, but if it was a low enough price I think it would be great. I love all the rest of your ideas, and one thing I would like to see return along with chest shops is the player markets (and possibly remove or restrict auction house so people are kinda pushed toward the player shops). I think this would add another part of the gameplay.
    Twisted likes this.
  3. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    very good point about the ore. I agree with that.
    a central shop area would be awesome the server can even rent each shop area in the central shop zone. players can have there own shops out of that area for free. but the perk of renting a store in central area could be it has its own warp. and private shops outside of that would require the players tp requesting to that player.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  4. Aury

    Aury Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    1. Tutorial - There's already a /warp tutorial, although that will be updating sometime this month or early next month! Just need to find the time to improve it.

    2. Adjust spawn for less lag - I completely agree although the reason it's laggy is due to all the armor stands that give it that interior feeling of completion. So I'm going to try finding an alternative way to fix that issue but if not I'll most likely be removing a majority of the heads / armor stands at spawn.

    3. Crates - being dealt with!

    4. Selling ore - I don't think we'll be adding ore to the sell shop but we will be implementing chest shops again! So you'll be able to sell your ore at your own shops.

    5. More biomes for /rtp - I'll see what I can do, I think we'd maybe charge differently depending on the biome. I'll speak with the management team about this!

    6. Monthly events - Already have plans for this!

    7. Shop item to bypass afk idling - Unfortunately we will not be implementing this.

    8. Chest shops - As I've stated previously, we're already planning on implementing it once again.

    I'm going to be leaving this thread open for people to still be able to voice their opinions!
    Chickencharm and Twisted like this.
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    No more comments open, closing for suggestion cleaning purposes :)