Accepted Chat channels

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Alanis, Feb 5, 2018.

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  1. Alanis

    Alanis New Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Over the past few days, I have noticed quite the clog up of the chat due to HerobrineHacksMC, FazeMeme, and Raphael112 and people they reel in talking about casinos and things as they are all right next to each other. I find that it would be easier for the whole of the server if we were to create a local chat channel for them so that the messages don't clog up the main channel. I propose that we have four channels in total. Global, Local, Help, and Casino channels so that people can post in the right chat and leave the chat unclogged.
    Twisted likes this.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon New Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Twisted came up with the idea to have a casino. He was unsure if it was okay from staff. He got b0ii's permission to build it. When he said that he built it, HeroBrineHacksMC stole his idea and started forcing people by asking them multiple times until they said yes. Now he has others doing his work for him. Constantly spamming the chat with numbers when we have asked him to just /pm the others. He just ignored all of us. Hopefully you can address this in a proper manner. Thanks!
    Alanis and Twisted like this.
  3. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    if my idea has become this much of an issue on the server even if it is not me personally doing so or saying its ok. I feel that we should disband casinos at that point then. even though I am having a blast building it and creating games. Others saw my idea and saw a way for quick cash. Their builds are horrible. Their etiquette is horrid. Their game designs go from sad to sketchy(bet 1k to have him bonemeal the grass and see what grows.... really) I apologize to anyone that has had to deal with the quick cash grabbers and the spammers in chat.

    As the person who actually inquired about it first I think I rather not have casinos(even though that would suck for me) if it causes problems on chat or with players.

    I feel bad that I thought of this and they have turned it into a spam sketchfest.

    My build isnt even done yet i was taking my time making it look great, making sure the games are running smoothly and that the directions are clear to players. I have only 2 games due to my diligence in looks and easy of play for the players of the server.

    Yet i saw yesterday within the 5-8 hours i was on 2 people had casinos up and running and have over 6 games up and going. with that kind of speed and lack of testing and thought I am sure they will be accused of scamming or of just poor taste.

    I even went to some of the casinos to check them out and give them tips due to their directions not directing anything at that point. The response of some was just pay me to play and learn that way. THAT IS NOT HOW YOU RUN A CASINO!!!

    I really hate this but if it is causing an issue just ban it and i will think of something else to build in place of mine.
    IWouldScream, Chickencharm and Alanis like this.
  4. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    The issue isn't the idea itself, it's how some people have taken and used it. So I don't think the concept should be banned.
    IWouldScream and Twisted like this.
  5. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    I understand i was slightly pissed yesterday so i apologize about the rant. Was upset due to taking the idea and causing other players issues with it. I calmed down after a bit and figured out how to set it up at my casino so no chat is needed at all if your playing. also decided that I will advertise about the casino at most once every 2 hours of play(that way anyone that joins after the ad would see it most likely but not spam chat.

    My build is a bit more fleshed out as well now. so I think I will try to be the more exclusive type casino. or classy may be a better word for it.
    IWouldScream likes this.
  6. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    oh and mine will end up being an experience not just a casino lots of plans in my head lol
  7. Dragonbornpanda

    Dragonbornpanda New Member

    Jan 9, 2018
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    I think a local Chat channel would be a great idea. Toggle-able of course. But within like 100 blocks would be awesome. And the ability for staff to be allowed to force players to use it if they are right next to each other and just spamming up chat talking to each other.
  8. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I think 2 hours might be a bit of a long cooldown, maybe something like 30 minutes would be better, or you could ask staff what spacing would not be annoying to other players.
  9. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Will look into this, it would definitely come in handy :)
    Alanis likes this.
  10. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    You can use MCMMO parties for chat channels. Simply create a party, invite people in, then you can just talk to friends.
  11. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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