Resolved Changes to the auction house

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by Twisted, Feb 7, 2018.


should we have a limit on what we can list items prices? & Should we be charged to list items?

Poll closed Feb 14, 2018.
  1. Yes we should have price per item limits and we should be charged

    0 vote(s)
  2. yes we should have price per item limits but no we should not be charged to list

    0 vote(s)
  3. No we should not have price per item limit but we should be charged to list items

  4. No we should not have a price per item limit or be charged to list items

  5. I dont care.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    So, First the auction house limit was horrible only 4 items could be listed at a time. That was solved and now at my rank i can list 11. However i noticed about 3 days ago when trying to list some items that was clearly expensive it told me I can not create an auction with listing over 100k but on other items it allowed it.

    Now it is back. Tried to list a donor crate key that I bought with real money for 250k because panda was offering 250k for it. and it told me i can not create a listing over 100k. That is absurd. Another example is diamond blocks in the shop it would cost 9k to make one block so when you try to sell a stack of them in auction for half what it would be in shop it is about 300k but i list close to 175k and still cant because its over 100k.

    Now I see someone say in chat that they cant list an item because they didnt have enough money to list the item. wth is that??? so now we are being charged to list our items?

    In total we have a list limit and now a price limit that is absurd and we may be getting charged to list items.
    Either the last to are bugs or glitches or these changes are in and no one was told. They are horrible changes if they was changed on purpose.

    My suggestion is fix these changes or at least inform the players when that kind of change happens because it changes the dynamics of a server tthat is a economy server.
    Chickencharm and IWouldScream like this.
  2. Aury

    Aury Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    The limit should have been upped to 10m. If there's any issues, please contact me!
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