Denied Add trees and / or charcoal to sell options

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by howimineforfish, Feb 10, 2018.

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  1. howimineforfish

    howimineforfish New Member

    Feb 2, 2018
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    I would like to run a tree farm, specifically a birch tree farm. In order to make it profitable you could either add all tree blocks to the /sell command or just add charcoal. I would love to design a whole tree farm and / or charcoal farm.

    Wouldn't complain if saplings were sellable too.
  2. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    they recently added chest shops again so you could always do a tree farm chestshop if the /sell for trees dont happen :D
  3. Dragonbornpanda

    Dragonbornpanda New Member

    Jan 9, 2018
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    I think this is a great idea! Even though it may not techinally be farming. It should be classed as a similar thing. As at the end of the day it is a natural resource.
  4. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    To be honest, I don't want this. Partly because this is a farming server, not really a woodcutting server. Secondly, wood is SUPER easy to get, with /rtp jungle. Third, people could get super-high Woodcutting MCMMO skill and abuse Tree Feller. If this WAS added (which I hope it isn't), then wood would have to be sold very cheaply, I think.
  5. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    First of all, a tree farm is just as much a farm as a carrot or melon farm is. Second of all, mcmmo skills require more and more experience to level up as you go up, so pretty soon it gets very hard to get more levels. If people get a high enough woodcutting skill to have an overpowered tree feller length, then they deserve that perk. I think wood, saplings, and apples should be added at a relatively high price, since they are much harder to farm than most crops.
  6. Twisted

    Twisted New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    I agree with the fact that tree farms are a type of farming Also, about the mcmmo thing. I agree apples should be something that can be sold.

    But, I do not think farming trees is much harder then farming crops. Crops you have to till plant and then reep. trees you just have to /rtp and cut stuff down. I think apples are hard enough to get that they could be sold to /sell but not the actual wood because ppl will just deforest all trees before they even decide to try and make a tree farm. and saplings are far to many. I get about 22 saplings from a decent size tree with my current tools and mcmmo.
  7. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Maybe there could be some sort of deforestation limit, like it won't let you take down more than a certain number of trees from a forest per day. This would force people to make tree farms, which, in my opinion, would be pretty fun.
  8. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    In my opinion, there shouldn't be a tree chopping limit. I still don't think we should be able to sell wood and charcoal, but selling apples would be nice.
  9. howimineforfish

    howimineforfish New Member

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Just to summarize concerns and contribute:

    1: People would deforest entire areas
    I don't think people would bother deforesting. The time spent walking and scaling trees would be insane compared with an efficiently laid out tree farm.

    2: Trees are too easy to get
    Trees are an actively gathered resource, you can automate it but not cheaply / easily / space efficiently. I would argue it's easier to run a cactus / melon farm than a tree farm. Cactus is AFK and melons stay planted. With an upgraded diamond axe, melons are instant-break blocks. They also take up less space.

    3: Tree feller
    The amount of space required for a tree farm makes it difficult if not impossible to really abuse tree feller. Unless it's completely broken at high levels, like permanent tree feller, I wouldn't know. Maybe if the farm was entirely massive jungle trees. Even then, I wouldn't complain about no jungle logs. The height of those trees makes farming them very difficult to farm. Birch and oak are really the only ones I would farm.

    4: Tree farm isn't farming
    I mean, it's more of a farm than an AFK skeleton spawner bone farm.

    5: Charcoal
    Charcoal takes time and energy to produce. I saw it as easier than adding all tree types to the shop. It's also a time-gate to make it more difficult (you have to wait for trees to cook). I could see this as being considered "not farming" though. Not sure how laggy stoves are to the server either.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  10. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    It's not likely that this will be added as the server is farming oriented, denied for now.
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