SimplyNott Farming

Discussion in 'General' started by Oli_The_Pug, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    Hey guys,
    Me and DraganaNott got together and made a new Farming Company. The aim is we have a big manual farm and we employ workers to gather up the melons and input them. Each type of worker gets payed ex amount of money per stack.

    Workers are payed $150 per stack of melons that they input! Worker is the lowest rank.

    High Worker
    High worker are payed $200 per stack of melons that they input! High Worker is the 3rd Highest Worker Rank.

    Very High Worker
    Very High workers are payed $250 per stack of melons that they input! Very High Worker is the 2nd Highest Worker Rank.

    Head Worker
    Head Workers are payed $300 per stack of melons that they input! If an owner was to ever leave SimplyNott a Head Worker would be nominated to step up to the role.

    Builders are employed to expand the farm. The pay rate per level of the farm is $20,000 but if you are working in a 2 this maybe be reduced to $15,000.

    Sr.Builders are employed to expand the farm. The pay rate per level of the farm is $30,000 but if you are working in a 2 this may be reduced to $25,000.

    The 2 Owner at this current time are myself and DraganaNott but as I said earlier Head Workers may be promoted to Owner. Owners get access to the input chests and are allowed to sell its contents.

    The 2 founders are Myself and DraganaNott which is why we named our company SimplyNott. No one can achieve this rank. This rank is forever owned by me and DraganaNott.

    If you do not note to me ( SimplyOil ) in either /mail /msg or in chat how many stacks
    of melons you have inputted you will NOT be payed!

    If you would like to be part of SimplyNott reply down below with:
    Job: (Worker or Builder)
    Fly: (Yes or No)

    Purchased Rank: ( N/A if you do not have one)
    In Game Rank:
    #1 Oli_The_Pug, Dec 5, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
    Ky likes this.
  2. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    I'm here to announce that SimplyNott Is now DISBANDED. I'm sorry we've had to do this.