Christmas Giveaway!

Discussion in 'General' started by Yasi, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Yasi

    Yasi New Member

    May 20, 2018
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    I have decided that I am going to hold two giveaways, the first being for:
    Lifetime ULT
    and the second being:
    3 x Fly command

    All you need to do to enter is leave me; on a comment to this thread - your in-game name, your Discord name if you have it, which giveaways you are entering (You can enter both) and why you should win.

    The giveaway will take place on 24th December @ 5pm-6pm EST / 10pm-11am GMT
    so you have a week to enter.

    1. All you need to do to win is either be online in game or on the discord,
    2. If you win you will be tagged on discord and given 30 minutes to reply, If no reply a new name will be picked out and so forth.
    Good Luck!

    Only people who have put their info correctly into this thread will be entered so please make sure its right
    #1 Yasi, Dec 16, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
    aiija, Vampytech, Harry and 2 others like this.
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I'm not entering but don't you think you should give the fly commands to three different people? One person can't use three permissions to the same thing.
  3. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    No if your read it they are different giveaways
  4. ItzJoeJoe

    ItzJoeJoe New Member

    Dec 17, 2018
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    In game Name: ItzJoeJoe

    Discord ID: Joe_Joe#1224

    (Entering for Life time ult as i have fly)

    Why i think i should win: I have only recently joined this community but have already fallen in love with it! I plan to play this server a lot and rise to the top with my friends! The rank would give me access to many useful commands and tools that would help me soooo much in progressing towards my goal and once i have a well established farm i will be able to help smaller farmers who may have just started by gifting them resources to help them start there journey in this community!

    This would truly be a wonderful christmasy gift and thank you so much for doing these giveaways!
    Yasi likes this.
  5. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Ah ok that makes more sense.
  6. Yasi

    Yasi New Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Yeah so I'm doing one giveaway for ULT and a separate one for three winners of Fly
  7. KylesTeddyBeer

    KylesTeddyBeer New Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    In game Name: b0ii2

    Discord ID: Wolfer#1508

    I would be entering for a Christmas key package = to the price of /fly.

    Why I think I should win: I think that I should win because I have dedicated so much time and effort to the community, helping people from being griefed or cleaning out the chat for the greater good of others online to have an enjoyable experience. I interact a lot with the community, thus being if I win the key, I would give away the result of the key, to someone online at the time. Thank you, for doing this giveaway, to help others in need.
    Yasi likes this.
  8. Kuleolis

    Kuleolis New Member

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Ingame name: Kuleolis
    Discord name: Kuleolis#9948
    Im entering for a /fly command

    So, the reason I think I should win is because of personal gain. Yes I know that is selfish, but I am a selfish person. I would be able to FLY. That in itself is a pretty good reason to want it, however I would also be able to build so many farms by not having to scaffold everywhere I build.
    Yasi likes this.
  9. Peanutbutterjars

    Peanutbutterjars New Member

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Discord ID: PeanutQueen#9012

    User: Peanutbutterjars

    (I'm entering the lifetime ULT giveaway because I already have fly)

    The reason I'd like to win ULT: For a good while I have played this server, along the way I've made many friends and this server has made me feel so welcome and everyone here is like a second family to me. I come online and play at least once a day, and though my playtime is already enjoyable it could be even more enjoyable with ULT. With ULT I could access commands that would make my time here on PF even more enjoyable (though if I dont win I won't make a fuss as I already really enjoy this server. Thank you for reading my comment, and thank you for hosting this give away. -Peanut
    Yasi likes this.
  10. Owllover576

    Owllover576 New Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    DiscordID: owllover576#8081
    Username: owllover576

    I’m entering for lifetime Ult

    The reason why I think I deserve this rank is due to the amount of times I helped people on the server before the reset. If I got this rank I would be able to help others more easily and help get more people started (by getting areas set up with /sethome, then giving them the area, giving them items from the kits, /fix players items for them and much more) I love this community which this server has created, i would like to give back but currently I’m unable to (due to personal reasons). I would give away a couple of donor crate keys as well as some of the kits for free to other members of peaceful farm. Thankyou for giving everyone this opportunity and for reading this comment. Good luck to everyone and merry christmas and a happy new year to all.
    Yasi likes this.
  11. Vampytech

    Vampytech New Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Discord: Vampytech
    In Game: Vampytech

    Entering Lifetime Ult

    Even though I am new to the server, I've been spending quite a lot of time on here. From building my farm to helping countless other players, I really appreciate the server as a whole and the people who play it. I want to win as much as the next person, to enhance my gameplay, help other people more, and try and be the best farmer!
    Yasi likes this.
  12. BoxBit

    BoxBit New Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Entering for lifetime ULT.
    IGN: BoxBit
    Discord: BoxBit#1867
    I love this server in general,
    Yasi likes this.
  13. MarcoFLC

    MarcoFLC New Member

    Dec 20, 2018
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    IGN: MarcoFLC

    Discord: MarcoFLC#2804

    Giveaways: Both

    Reasone why i should win: i think i should win, because i have joined the community kid of recently and i love everyone, all the players are so nice and kind in a way that i've never seen before! When i first joined the game i wanted to be a baker, which is my dream, but then i fell in love with the farms and decided to focus on that. With the abilities that the rank and/or /fly offer it will make it much easier to continue to play here without going crazy with the fact that i keep falling from constructions. Also with these abilities and by getting farms that will make me a better player i can continue to pass on this kidness present in the community to other players, making this this beutiful server great as it always is.
    Yasi likes this.
  14. LyricQuartz

    LyricQuartz New Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    IGN: LyricQuartz
    Discord: LyricQuartz#5838 (I'm on the PF Discord)
    Giveaway: Ultimate Rank
    Why I Should Win: I'm actually entering this contest for LordVoltaire, but you can notify me if he should win~ I'm currently a mod on Peaceful Farms, and have been in the past. I've been here for well over three years, if not four. I believe I hold a reasonably high reputation on the server. I try my hardest to help anyone on the server, and to clear the air when trolls cause problems. I want this Ultimate rank for LordVoltaire, my partner, because he deserves it as well. He's friendly, has never been in trouble on the server, and all in all, a lot of the perks that come with Ultimate will help him have even more fun on the server. Thank you for hosting his giveaway~!
    Yasi likes this.
  15. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    IGN: SimplyOil
    Discord: SimplyOil#4226
    Prize: ULT Giveaway but instead I would like 2 Christmas Key Party’s and 1 Donor Crate Key Party
    Why I should win: Because I’m kind, loving, friendly and helpful. I am always extremely grateful when people do generous giveaways like this. This would be an excellent Christmas Present

    Althought 6-7pm EST is 11-12pm GMT so if I do win I won’t be awake. :( If there is any other time you could contact me then that would be greatly appreciated.

    - Thank You
    #15 Oli_The_Pug, Dec 22, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  16. Yasi

    Yasi New Member

    May 20, 2018
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    The ULT giveaway will only be an ULT winner, I can only substitute a /fly win for something else, sorry

    Also I'll likely be doing some parties on the day anyway :)
    #16 Yasi, Dec 22, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  17. Dalton21102

    Dalton21102 New Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    IGN: Dalton21102
    Discord: Dalt21#8219
    Prize: Ultimate Rank and a Christmas Crate Package (Same price as /fly)
    Why I Should Win: Although I have just recently joined the server I always try and help people and spend quite a large amount of time on the server. It seems I have been relying on other ULT's to constantly enchant and repair stuff for me and it would be nice to help the other members out.
    Yasi likes this.
  18. aiija

    aiija New Member

    Dec 17, 2018
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    IGN: Chiilliii
    Discord : serpentinecat#6286

    Entering for anything!

    Why I should win: Hi! I have been playing Peaceful Farms since PF1, and I still don't have ULT or fly, I am a very sad Chiilliii ! XD Thanks so much for this giveaway, you are a very generous person <3

    ~Happy Holidays everyone !
    Yasi likes this.
  19. Oli_The_Pug

    Oli_The_Pug Member

    May 19, 2018
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    oh ok then!
  20. ReiSixx9

    ReiSixx9 New Member

    Dec 23, 2018
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    My in-game name: ReiSixx9
    My Discord name: @ReiSixx9#2046
    The giveaway(s) in which I am entering: The Lifetime ULT giveaway
    Why I should win: I believe I should win because I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time on this server and building new things. ULT will very much help me accomplish this. Plus, I just think it'd be really fun to be able to get a lot of money and share it around. It's nice to see people happy like that.

    I'd just like to say good luck to everyone who entered! And thank you to IProbablyHateYou for hosting this giveaway. <3
    Yasi likes this.