Not Planned Give /nick back to the people!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Oi, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. Oi

    Oi New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    /nick, a simple, but fun command. In the old days, a mere GrowGod was given this command. GrowGod's could use nicknames without colours, and donors were given the privilege of coloured names. But what now? Now, not even Ultimate's can use /nick. It is a different purchase.

    The time is long overdue for /nick to be given back to the people.
    You may ask, why was /nick taken away?
    The answer I am always given is that the previous owner wanted the different transaction for more income. Understandable. However, riddle me this:

    Where is he now? Where is the man that changed it? He is gone. The server is no longer under his rule, and his rules are no longer relevant.
    Do not let his greed rob the players any longer. Just because he stole the command from us, does not mean it needs to stay that way.

    Give donors back their coloured nicknames without having to pay the extra money. Give GrowGod's their uncoloured nicknames!

    Staff, it is time to shape up. The blame can no longer be placed on the previous owner. Undo the damage that has been caused. Undo the disrespect towards the people that fund this place. Your donors deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, and your non-donors should be given their rightful respect as well. The people that are funding your server deserve to be able to change their names without having to pay an extra fee. This isn't EA. Cut the micro-transactions. Give the people what they want!

    PF, give us back our nicknames!
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I agree with your point, however I think players were given fair warning about /nick splitting from Ultimate. We were given back the money we spent on Ultimate in the form of a voucher, so if you bought Ultimate with that money, then you knew you were buying it without /nick. I do wish Ultimate could have everything it used to, like /nick, rainbow armor, trails, disguises, colored chat, etc. Some of these things have been sold elsewhere, like you pointed out /nick is sold separately, the rainbow armor was in the summer crate, and the disguises are in the Apprentice package. That bothers me, since they used to be in the Ultimate package, but I also understand that the server needs people who already bought Ultimate to continue buying stuff otherwise they would lose their source of income, and then nobody could play on the server.
  3. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hiya boyfren.

    First of all, I'd just like to mention that the prior owner business doesn't need to be mentioned any longer, as stated in previous messages between yourself and me. It isn't said owners fault any more due to change of ownership; however, this doesn't stop from complications from happening in the near future, or immediately, if I'm wrong.

    Secondly, the command "/nick" or better known as a '"nickname" will not be bought back to in-game regular ranks and here's why.
    Bringing /nickname back to regular players will only cause more complications, purchase issues and unwanted traffic around Peaceful Farms, due to prior issues, players have to create tickets which already we're doing our absolute best to keep it under control. We hear your complaints, suggestions and cries for /nickname which is why we've come up with features like /tags. /tags lets you create your own suffix with 1 colour ( or if not two colours if you're to count white ) or use bold with a character limit which all donator ranks have access too.

    This doesn't stop me from discussing stuff with Kiri, which alternatively I'm going to do; however, this doesn't come with any promises.

    Disguises will be brought back to donator ranks; although, not in a way you're expecting. donor and rank updates will be coming soon.