Not Planned Armor Stand Tools

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Chazinggir, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. Chazinggir

    Chazinggir Guest


    I think it would be cool to add the Armor Stand Tools plugin (or a similar one. I haven't looked into bukkit stuff in so long I don't know if this is properly compatible).

    Somebody else posted this before but didn't include why we should have it and nobody really paid attention to the post. So here is why:

    This plugin allows players to right click and armor stand and:
    • Name armor stands.
    • Give them arms with things to hold!
    • Turn on/off gravity, invulnerability to damage, and resize the stand
    • Rotate the parts of the stand
    • Make them invisible
    • Other cool stuff, I guess.
    Now the obvious use for this sort of thing would be for fancy armor stands. You could have a statue with a stone-sword, grey iron armor, and a matching head with a victorious pose! You could show off your fancy enchanted tools!

    However, being able to make stands invisible and manipulate them allows for attention to detail. You can do stuff like:
    • Leave my pair of boots in the dock or chestplates up for sale at the forge
    • Rest tools such as a diamond shovel or pickaxe on top of counters.
    • Put a magma cube inside a cauldron
    • (I have image examples of these but the forum thinks they are spam and won't let me add them, so feel free to reach out and ask for them over discord or PM?)
    This plugin could also be used as a donor rank perk or from the point shop to help drive votes or income!
    #1 Chazinggir, Jan 31, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2019
    Chickencharm likes this.
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    That sounds like a cool plugin, and I would love to have it, but I'm not sure it should be top priority since it doesn't have anything to do with farming.
    Chazinggir likes this.
  3. Adam Newe

    Adam Newe New Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Very neat Idea I've seen armor stands like the ones you were describing at ./warp build contest and ./spawn I would love to see this for the general people playing pf.
    Chickencharm and Chazinggir like this.