Daily Challenges

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by DinoMonkey1001, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Hello. I have a cool suggestion which would spice up the experience on Peaceful Farms: Daily challenges!

    What are daily challenges?
    Daily challenges would be tasks that people can try and complete each day on the server. They would reset when the daily restart happened, and they would give cool rewards, maybe like money, xp, keys, spawn eggs, or maybe something else.

    Would there be any new additions for rewards?
    There could be! We could have a Challenge Crate, with stuff like hay bales, spawn eggs, xp, money, hoppers, emeralds, and so on. We could even have Challenge XP, which could get you prefixes, permissions and leaderboards. There would be a Top XP leaderboard, and prefixes for 1k XP, 10k XP, 100k XP, 1mil XP, etc. We could even gain MCMMO levels, and get credits every 500 XP we get.

    What sort of challenges could there be?
    I'm gonna list of LOT of them! By the way, there would be different levels for different ranks. EASY for Default to GrowTitan, MEDIUM for Prestige+ to GrowTitan+, HARD for Prestige++ to GrowTitan++, EXPERT for Prestige+++ to GrowTitan+++, and... if it ever gets added, NIGHTMARE for Prestige++++ to GrowTitan++++. NOTE: They all reward Challenge XP -
    <EASY> 10 Challenge XP <MEDIUM> 30 Challenge XP <HARD> 90 Challenge XP <EXPERT> 200 Challenge XP
    So, the challenges:
    <EASY> Kill 15 zombies at the grinders. Reward: 1x Wolf spawn egg
    <EASY> Harvest 15 melons. Reward: $750
    <MEDIUM> Kill 15 guardians at the grinders. Reward: 1x Challenge Key
    <EXPERT> Harvest 1,000 melons. Reward: 10x MCMMO credits
    <HARD> Kill 15 vindicators at the grinders. Reward: $2,000
    <MEDIUM> Harvest 200 carrots. Reward: 3x Pig spawn egg
    <MEDIUM> Tame 3 animals. Reward: 3x MCMMO credits
    <EASY> Vote 3 times. Reward: 2x Vote Key
    <EXPERT> Kill 30 evokers at the grinders. Reward: 64x Hopper
    <HARD> Obtain 5 wither skeleton skulls. Reward: 2x Challenge Key
    As you can see, I have a LOT of ideas, and I can think of even more if you want! NOTE: Everyone would have different challenges - if everyone had "Kill 30 evokers", then it would get pretty chaotic at the Evoker room.

    Anyway, thank you for reading, and I hope you take this into consideration. (hint hint)

    (hint hint)

    (plz do it :))
    Harry, Jar and IWouldScream like this.
  2. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    (hint hintttttt)
  3. Harry

    Harry Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Sounds amazing this would be so cool.
  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're looking into adding quest/ challenge features soon, be on the look about!!!