Open Not letting Website IPs in the title area (where this is)

Discussion in 'General' started by dugydugy-Evan, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. dugydugy-Evan

    dugydugy-Evan New Member

    May 27, 2019
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    Well below me as of right now (Monday July 8th 1:14AM) there are 4-5 "SPAM Diet and supplement pills"

    Now they don't hurt anyone by having the advertising but there are actual health issues that the pills will cause.. its salt and a lot of it, it dehydrates your body and messes it up in the process your body uses and makes liquid leak out of your body and this is bad because you aren't supposed to eat salt at least not the way they are saying you should. Each pill has 800MG of "kato solution" . your supposed to take 3 pills daily which is 2,400MG of Salt why does this matter? Your only supposed to have 3,400 MG of salt but everything has salt in it, most people eat most than 3,400MG of salt anyway.

    None of you are stupid don't get me wrong but if 40 year old humans eat salt and drink grass juice because "its healthy" and "I dont vaccinate my kids because I dont want them putting dead viruses which make my child stronger to the same viruses they will come in contact with later" then it just might have to be said.

    Now every one of these threads they make all but one have the shady website as the Title (I went on one and it was shady and full of fake reviews where the "people" lost hecka weight by eating salt which will make you lose weight but in the process make you very very sick.) im no doctor but I know you aren't supposed to Eat Salt. anyway all of them have different address IPs.

    If there is anyway to stop bot spam with harmful information that a simple google search will tell you NOT TO DO then I feel like simply making Websites as the Title not able to happen, now inside the thread thats fine because if the title isn't interesting you won't see it anyway.

    Thank you for your time and I hope I made sense because I think my brain is melting
    Amber likes this.
  2. Amber

    Amber Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    We are trying to delete these as soon as possible, and are also delving deeper to find a permanent fix : )
    dugydugy-Evan likes this.
  3. KylesTeddyBeer

    KylesTeddyBeer New Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Why not make it so that staff can manually accept new accounts on the forum?
  4. dugydugy-Evan

    dugydugy-Evan New Member

    May 27, 2019
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    this is actually a great idea, but let new accounts be able to read the forums and have people made forums go through an acceptance stage where if its accepted the first time your able to make them whenever but if your denied then you can just read them
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    This wouldn't be convent enough for a growing server i'm afraid. I would happy agree with this idea if we had a stable small community; however, that isn't really the case anymore. While Peaceful Farms is growing constantly through-out months, its easy to say that players already do not find the forums that satisfying. 7/10 players would rather reach out to staff, report bugs or casual day-to-day stuff on the discord or in-game since its very very convent for the player to do and not have to have several tabs open. Having to manually accept every single requested account would just get annoying for us and the entire team as-well as the player ending up forgetting they even made an account.

    Spam bots will constantly be a thing; however, with future forums updates that we do have in the works or at least, the idea of it. These spam bots will be no longer. Please be patient with us and the forums will be sparkling clean :)

    Kind regards.