Separate names with a comma.
It's unfortunately not a bug - you have to use their actual ingame name, or else it'll send it to an account that possibly hasn't joined the server.
Based off of the fact we don't support promotion of youtubers / streamers, or anything of that sort, this would likely not happen.
I really do like this idea, and I'd love to see it come into the server. The main issue is that when people get competitive, they tend to get a...
I like the idea of /advert, but we'd have to set a cooldown of 1-2 hours. It could still be spammy, and anything less than that could be excessive.
This is an amazing idea. I truly love the idea of representing the LGBTQ+ community on our server, but there's just the simplicity of having a tag...
Hi! Thank you for your suggestion. There are no current plans to update the /shop, but we will definitely try to keep the community updated. <3...
Hi, if you used the GBM to repair a gold tool, there's not much that can be done. It will automatically take back up slot #9, and remove whatever...
Butters has informed me that /shop is accurate, though after looking into it further, I have about 1020 hours on carrot, which is just above 42...
As of March 29th, 2023 I am saying that I am NOT 100% sure if this list is completely accurate, however when I get to Prestige++++, I will be...
Staff permissions and commands aren't typically discussed, unless Ky himself (or Kiri) decides to tell you what they have access to, you won't...
Imagine not working at walmart
This is to avoid sign spam iirc. The best way to avoid it is to make a sign that just says like "e" or something. Then do what you wanna do after.
Squid suffix???
Hi! So, the /p plugin is not the same as the actual partychat. /pc Is the command that you'd want to use. (/pc [message]) or (/pc) to toggle.
How will the old axes get the enchants? EDIT: Through /transfer?
Salut, vous pouvez les utiliser pour les trémies PF, et celles-ci ramassent les récoltes dans un morceau donné. Ils sont très utiles et vous devez...
Bee Spawners would cause too much lag, as bee farms WITHOUT them already have caused enough lag. You can't make a cat without taming an Ocelot,...
I do really like this, though I believe it should be more than like 5$.
This idea has already been thought of, but we have figured out that it will cause too much lag for mass use,
You can do /delhome [home name] to delete the home.