Separate names with a comma.
That's how I always get my packed ice, which I think is better than the shop because then the economy is more between players. Also if you added...
I think 2 hours might be a bit of a long cooldown, maybe something like 30 minutes would be better, or you could ask staff what spacing would not...
I've seen you on the server and you've always seemed like a nice person to me. I'm not gonna enter the contest since I think there are others who...
The only reason I ever sell to a lower rank shop is to check prices for other people, but I think /prices covers most of that so I would agree...
I think staff would have to be very careful when adding ore to the sell shop, given this isn't a mining server and we want people farming to make...
I just checked and the staff reports link doesn't show up for me when I'm logged out, and shows up but is greyed out when I'm logged in. Still,...
I just logged in and I am the correct rank. Thank you!
If the auction house is going to be kept the way it is I agree the limit should be raised. However, I think it would be better if the auction...
I just ranked up from GrowMaster to GrowLord and my rank in chat did not change. I tried waiting several minutes and relogging but nothing...
Well geez that was quick - just like a week ago Logan owned the server. Welcome to the community!
I don't see how chorus fruit is overpowered. Farming it is nowhere near as efficient as melon farming, as you have to go get all the chorus...
Hello, I had ultimate before the reset. I filled out the form to receive the coupon a week or two ago, but I still haven't received it. I am...
Thank you for your response. I was not aware of some of the things you mentioned. Consider the following a suggestion list then: Maybe you...
In the past few months, especially in the past few weeks, I think Peaceful Farms has started to fall apart. First, a couple commands were removed...