Separate names with a comma.
Please contact KaseyA in game, she's a software engineer, she can expand on what Akago is saying here. It's the way to go right now in today's...
Well the remodel is coming along, the front porch is on hold while I gather enough iron for all of the anvils I use for the finials on the rail...
I think getting rid of the spawn eggs you can get in the shop and replacing them with shulker and iron golem eggs or spawners would do the trick...
Me! But since I'm not on the list Kyle!
So the progress is coming along pretty well, this particular mansion needs a bit more site prep than the last one, I've spent the last week of...
Calling spawners rare when only a select few have them at all is just stupid, I'm sorry to put it that way, but only a few players managed to get...
I don't want to come off as someone who's complaining, there's plenty of that at the moment. I do want an answer though, to the issue of spawners,...
The server reset caught me in the middle of my remodel of my Woodland mansion, so after the reset, even before getting my donor rank back, I set...
But like most plug-ins you don't have to run them, if you personally like the manual aspect of the game, turn that feature off, I've played...
It's a very big download, please be patient, it will be forthcoming soon.
I realize there are a number of issues being addressed at this time due to the reset, and this is in no way meant as a push on the staff, just...
NP Kyle, just thought I'd bring it to someone's attention. I certainly wasn't expecting to be killed by a witch!
So much for Peaceful?
I thought the server was set to peaceful, I was just killed by a witch, are there supposed to be mobs on in the over-world? I'm on my way to a...
What's essentials? And What would? Also, how will we know when we have the credit?
Will we be getting commands that we bought back? I had /fly. Also when will the world save be posted?
114739 66 19693 My Woodland Mansion that I am converting, go behind the stairs in the main entrance, there's the entrance to the mine, and the...