Separate names with a comma.
The problem with this suggestion is that storage will become an issue. Having it reset frequently will help with the storage issues but that...
Hello. I like the idea of having other worlds for resource purposes but with current plans scheduled to happen, it doesn’t seem like this idea...
This should be resolved. Has been for a while (Sorry for late reply)
Seems like the old ones won't work. Please try craft a new spawner to see if the issue is resolved.
I'll put forward a request to have it fixable with /transfer.
Is this issue still reoccurring?
Should be fixed
This should be fixed. If the issue isn't fixed, please use the correct format and let me know how to recreate the bug. please also involve...
Thank you for letting us know. This issue will be resolved soon.
The axe now has unbreaking X. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Both seem fine and your permissions match up. Please let me know steps to recreate the issue and also involve screenshots please.
Should be fixed!
Hello. From my knowledge there isn’t anything wrong with the tags menu. Players have been using it throughout years without any long-term issues;...
[IMG] If you would like to support the Peaceful Farms Network at all, you may purchase packages, donator ranks & much more over on our store at...
Can you please follow the given format that is provided in the sticky thread.
I cant seem to get this to work but i'll try to see what i can do to get it working within the next few days
Going to close this report now considering i've witnessed no recent bugs.
Made some changes. Let me know if you're still experiencing issues!
There doesn't seem to be any console errors near to the times you disconnected and reconnected. I'll put some images just for evidence:...
(Fixed some more issues) Let me know if you're still experiencing issues!