Separate names with a comma.
I like but what would enchanted ores be? Im assuming by enchanted crops you mean compressed crops.
for anyone that wants proof on the color thing here. this is from the default texture pack and the ability to change the colors would only be...
while this is a good idea the color choice for boss bars is limited by the games texture packs and only has pink, light blue, bright orange, lime...
Disguises already have a hide command which can be toggled with /disguisevs which will hide the diguise for yourself but not others
I may be wrong but i think dev classifies as a subrole so unless you become admin by becoming dev i dont think you would have a prefix
while this is a good idea it would not work well here. We already experience crashes on occasion from certain people doing mass sells of their...
if it does use this plugin or similar they should also add shulkers
no u
i meant the number o_O 1
Ifonly we could get to 69 anyways 1
yes 1