Separate names with a comma.
Hello! As the title suggests, this is my post about my plans for a record breaking farm being built on Potato. This is a cactus farm that is...
So today I came across an issue where using /decompress on a compressed redstone was not giving me the full 9 stacks of redstone. My party member...
This like perfectly describes what I had in mind but could not put in words
I'm impressed I haven't seen this one suggested yet, if it has been then feel free to disregard this. I've been thinking about, what if there was...
I've never been able to place duplicated signs. Maybe your day before was a bug? Or maybe signs themselves aren't even an item in the game?! :O...
After rebuilding the wall it was last placed on and having it logged, the exact coordinate it was last seen is as follows; XYZ -13,457 / 9 /...
I can yes, it will have to be a bit later I’m currently away. And to Ky, like I said if all else fails and I don’t get refunded anything it’s...
Per my experience it’s fixed. I’m now getting 6x as SrFarmer3 and no other multipliers. Cant speak for other players
[ATTACH] Rare $15,000,000 ($10,000,000 - $20,000,000) The next best option to a Spooky Pickaxe, though not the best anymore Extremely useful for...
I completely understand and also agree with having a separate role that’s not particularly a dedicated staff member, more so just added support....
Here you'll find a complete archive of all the different pickaxes you can obtain through various crates or purchasing from other players. This...
I like the idea of a lesser cooldown, I always figured the cooldown is in-place to reduce spamming, obviously. I wonder if they'd consider doing a...
Even outside of just the guides, it could make everything easier. From linking player/bug reports by staff, to linking the shop and all that.
So as someone who's taken on making guides for a lot of stuff that I feel is something extremely useful for new players, I don't see an efficient...
Ky directed me to write a bug report for this. The zombie pigman spawner when placed only spawns Piglin as in their overworld phase (when a piglin...
Just tested it, it was not resolved. Are you sure this is a bug? I thought it was a prevention thing set in place to avoid certain methods of...
I can also give a rough coordinate range at which it was last broken, and what tool it was broken with if it comes down to needing either of those.
The day in which it "disappeared", or rather the date and time at which I noticed it was gone; was February 19th at around the afternoon. I know...
They could go a number of ways with it, I know of one server where there's not limit to how many you can have but each one you get is increasingly...
I would assume that there's some type of function where it's not farming while you're offline or away, they probably load by chunk same as any...