Separate names with a comma.
Planned. We've considered this; however, this won't be a craftable item. The wisp of freedom can now be obtained from the trader found at /warp...
Not planned due to the current functions of the Dragon Egg, possibly in the future ^
We've been discussing the map download and have been trying to highly consider it. Due to map size, we'd have to consider different options and...
Was this issue resolved
[IMG] If you would like to support the Peaceful Farms Network at all, you may purchase packages, donator ranks & much more over on our store at...
You’re given more then enough warnings prior to being muted. These rules are solely in place to benefit you and every other player on our servers...
Update: Rank requirements should be a thing in the future. I've been working around with it a lot and seems to be working well.
This festival was fun and i appreciate you preparing and putting this small community event together. From a custom resource pack all the way to a...
I don't exactly agree that this would benefit players that break the rule in specific because a command like this compared to a 100x/100x farm...
Could you elaborate on "i did not get any"
This item seems like a cool thing for our disposal. I don't necessary agree that it should be in prices but i wouldn't mind seeing it either.
Honestly seems like a cool idea, maybe you can right click to go back from back-pack mode to normal mode and the use's can be used either way?...
o_O possibly
Could you elaborate, this needs more detail.
We've had a similar plugin like this which causes tons of issues. This really wouldn't be worth the hassle to implement unless we ideally have it...
Hello CDOhio. Reading through your suggestions, i truly do like the idea's of an entire rank system rework. I've been looking to implement more...
Claim blocks get reset; however, all purchased claim blocks get restored.
Seems like a good idea, i'll look into this
We've taken some ideas into consideration and are currently testing a new custom plugin for hoppers. We'll give you better insight once all is...