Separate names with a comma.
Hello. We're working as hard as we can on possible updates. Minecrafts new versions (1.14-1.5 snapshot) have been very hard for us to maintain a...
You'll need to elaborate on your suggestion.
Although this does sound like a cool idea, i see it more of a co-op way to play the game. Maybe we'll implement a similar idea in the future but...
Already a thing. /sit & /lay :) These cannot be used in spawn due to glitches that can be performed to escape spawn etc. I like the idea of...
We have plans for the future. Currently, there are regulated automatic fishing contests that happen every few hours.
I don't think this is possible. If anything, if it'll ever be introduced expect to see it in /particles :)
I like this idea. Expect to see it soon :oops:
That is already currently possible. Both when you claim the daily mission gives you 24hours( after claiming it also is 24hours in the GUI to claim...
Rip this guide. Ranks update coming soon ❤️
Are u saying u poisoned my sheep
Thread inactivity. This thread has been moved to the closed section due to no responses within the last month or more. Please create another...
Inactive post -- moved to closed, please create another post if you're still in-need of assistance. Locked.
| Summer Update! Welcome to the Summer Update! We will go into detail about new features, fixes, and more below! We're excited to announce these...
Could you elaborate on the "bomb" part of this suggestion. Its quite confusing?
I've actually recently been looking at implementing something like this, i think its a brilliant idea and i'd love to have this involved on PF...
Although the fishing contest rewards are great ideas, we don't exactly want them to be come a normalised tag that you "probably" can get, with the...
Eh, really "#staff-assistance" is our discord is there because its open freely, we just moderate and generally remove unnecessary content. We have...