Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for reporting, any more questions please be sure to start a conversation with me or message me on discord :3 ai: Thread moved to closed...
Due to new ownership that has happened ranks have been both removed and new ranks have been added, ranks won't be given back however you'll get a...
I like that you've matured and acknowledged the negative actions you've made, grats to you!
There were many alerts and forum posts about this during that time, you obviously weren't aware, I'd like up oasis's suggestion however you might...
We'll look into this, thank you for suggesting :)
Should be fixed :rolleyes:
Cursing has been around for a few weeks now however its been MILD, when asking for MILD cursing to be allowed we're not including disrespectful...
Hopefully we could get this! I'll look into it. BTW this is now my fav thread, never seen a thread selling an suggestion as good as this on...
Crates are being adjusted, spawn eggs will be removed also, thank you for suggesting!
All players currently waiting will recieve an extra $10 for the wait, sorry for the delay! it's being worked on.
Things are being discussed, you should hear a response soon!
Theres your answer.
a bedwars professional aka a no life.
We've had some issues to clear up, sorry for huge delay! Whats your in-game username, ill get it sorted for you.
All prices are getting a huge update and change. Shout out to the devs!
Warnings are more so just letting you know its not allowed, verbal warnings also can act as a official warning by staff. Rules shouldn't take that...
Spawners will be coming back to the points shop, don't worry. /nick will be remain in our buycraft store however ULT may recieve /nick without...
Group manager doesn't support this however it could be something we look into, i'll inquire!