Separate names with a comma.
Chat prefixes/ suffixes etc have been changed numerous times throughout since this post was created, we won't be changing anything similar to the...
We're planning on fixing many ranks including the donator ranks so players feel like things are worth it. Currently we add things to the ranks...
As Aury has posted in many other posts we'd like to keep perks for ranks solely for those ranks instead of making them buyable separately. We'd...
Already being considered, Please be sure to suggest rule ideas here if you have further suggestions for this idea. Thank you for suggesting!
This is being considered, thank you for suggesting!
Thank you for your suggestion, we're currently looking into this; however, if this suggestion were to be considered there would only be a small...
Similar post was replied here, Thank you for your suggestion :D
We're currently looking into reviewing this wisely and doing our best to make all of PF's in-game ranks more fun and motivating to play with....
Similar post was replied by the Administration team here, Sorry for a late reply; we're currently working through all current suggestions :D Click...
After reviewing your thread we're considering adding things to the sell market etc, thank you for your suggestion. Maybe see some of your item...
Hey! Your suggestion was considered :), thank you for suggestion! If you have any more ideas please don't be hesitated to ask, same goes for...
The " Controversial Topic " rule will be updated, here are some changes likely to be made: illnesses, disorders or similar things WONT be allowed...
We'll look into defining the rule so its more clear. As it stands you're NOT allowed to speak about those things anyways; however, " depression "...
Yes, 4 is the default for the servers render distance.
As you would know, we're already looking into this.
I think most of the rules that players are making are from common sense, maybe? not sure xd. Anyways, the English only in public chat rule will...
If you read the post correctly you'll see this has already been announced.
Will be considered.
Once we have enough feedback on the current ones and we've decided what we're going to be considering changing for the future, any updates on the...
Social media platforms aren't allowed in public chat just so this doesn't happen, we'll discuss further about the rule being further defined as i...