Separate names with a comma.
Add Bottled Honey to /prices. Honey in real life is farmed as honeycomb and as a liquid! I feel like the price should be a bit higher than...
So on the Beta server, In the /prices GUI there's a list of varying new 1.15 crops and new prices, as well as a thing where the crop of the day...
Having /near would allow us to see who was in our claims, near our bases, or potentially people afking in our farms.
Drowned Spawner 4 Hardened Obsidian 4 Compressed Rotten Flesh 1 Zombie Spawner Drowned have the chance to drop Tridents, which is why I feel a...
Implementing a plugin like this would not only help decrease lag caused by spawner farms, But also allow for bigger and more sturdy incomes for...
Adding mob drops such as beef, leather, etc to Organic Produce that aren't killed from lava or falls should be included in organic drops.
Due to them being uncraftable because of the other plugins as Ky has said before, I think the best course of action regarding fireworks would be...
There's a discord bot called "[SPOILER] that allows you to record voice calls and channels. Having a bot like this will ensure that nobody can...
Just brainstorming some events/holiday ideas I've had and figured I'd share them! So to match with the crate, We have Valentines Day, Christmas,...
So the staff assistance channel in the discord is for players to ask for help compared to using the forums. A while ago the channel was set to...
Just a list of items that should be added to /shop to help us with builds. Stripped Logs- Could go for the same price as normal logs. Only...
/Autocompress: Enabled at Prestige++. Will allow you to auto compress items as they come into your inventory. This would be very useful for people...
Guardian Spawner 4 Hardened Obsidian 4 Compressed Prismarine Crystals 1 Pig Spawner I say Prismarine Crystals because they are the only...
I noticed there were some disguises missing from the shop and figured It'd be nice to have them. The ones missing are: Cod, Salmon, Skeleton...
[ATTACH] So this is my suggestion for a hoe called the "Cullinan Hoe" ( Cullinan is a form of diamond that is one of the largest ever found in...
Im not exactly sure how this would be done but Ive seen it happen. It's basically a discord channel that's connected to the server so players who...
So in the Rules it says we can suggest websites to be added to the "Okay to talk about" list. Im not sure how many people would be interested in...
Ever since I saw these back in like 1.9 or whenever the woodland mansion came out, I knew I wanted to have them somehow but didn't realize they're...
We have two melon farms in spawn ( one on a higher level ) than the other one, But 1 of every other crop. can we maybe change one to pumpkin?
summer giveaway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ how to ente r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1- What is your Minecraft Username? 2- What is your favorite thing about the...