Separate names with a comma.
[IMG] PF options said twice and There's without an apostrophe. Happens when /who cannot find any related players to the inquiry. Ex: /who @
Yeah looks like a real taunt.
[PF] Taunts > Exta took a sip of (Random Drink) Random Drinks that the taunt could display: Bubble Tea, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Red-Bull, Tea, Iced...
It would be more convenient to have the ability to [item] in all forms of chats. Instead of putting it in global or having to tpa and locally do it.
Lets say your inventory is full and you catch a mythical fish with its tag and there's tons of people around you. One person picks it up but...
Thoughts on my "NFT" signature
I agree 100% Adding credit card methods will allow kids who ask their parents for online purchases to buy things. And I know the server owner...
The taunt is similar to the Bonk taunt and the water balloon taunt. Command: /taunts brick *player name* [PF] Taunts > Taunter threw a brick at...
if you click the dragon claw in the recipes gui, its now a diamond hoe. Was it updated?
Yeah i'm sure many people will appreciate it
Cause why not lol
Makes it easier than having to stop for a few seconds and switch hoes to sell. When a booster is active, every second counts.
It'd be a really nice QOL change to have the dragon claw's sell all useable in the offhand.
omg jojo sus?
Good point! also hello bubbles!
It would be useful for eggs to become compressible