Open A Way to prevent bots.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by StevenL, May 9, 2019.

  1. StevenL

    StevenL New Member

    May 9, 2019
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    I have two ways in which I believe bots can be prevented or at least limited. I will list any downsides I can think of as I explain each way.

    The first way is something I have seen implemented before. This is a whitelist that is only really there to prevent completely random people joining. This can be done by simply making people fill out a basic form to allow them to join. Now this may alienate some people as it does not allow people to just join and see if they like the server, along with this is the fact that some players of the younger age demographic may not feel that comfortable filling out such form or their parent may not allow it.

    The second way is a bit more open while still preventing bots to some limit. Have new players verify themselves as they join. This can be a simple command where a player must type a command like "/verify <string>" where the string is a randomly generated string presented to them in chat. Only after verification will that player be able to perform any other action. The restriction on such actions can be changing the default rank to another hidden rank that has a permission node that cancels the chat event and all other commands. The downside to this approach is a lot smaller as it only requires a player to read the message presented to them and verify themselves. Another small addition to this approach is that if the player fails to verify themselves and performs lets say ten chat or command events it will kick them with the message to verify themselves. A more extreme approach to this is that if the player fails to join the discord in a given amount of time it will kick them and tell them to join the discord to continue playing, this may result in a limited denial of service attack if the kick interval is too short.

    P.S. If you need a crude yet efficient implementation of the second approach please message me as I can probably deliver a customized solution that runs off one (possibly two) permission node(s).
    ReiSixx9 and iiRxplicated like this.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're already looking into this carefully and preparing to deliver this to Peaceful Farms when successfully completed. This probably will not be announced; however, if you're wanting to look for our changelog, please consider looking at our official discord.