High Priority Auto-Pickup & Disappearing Shulkerboxes

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Deevez, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. Deevez

    Deevez Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    This bug is a pretty aggravating bug to me, I lost a shulkerbox worth $300,000,000 and it was in fact confirmed deleted and/or missing by a moderator developer, and I still won't be seeing these items back. But I'll make the bug report regardless so it doesn't happen to other players.

    I don't exactly know how to recreate this other than breaking a bunch of blocks with auto-pickup on, and even then it happens very sporadically. Firstly, PF Hoppers can't get picked up with auto-pickup. I have had a couple PF Hoppers here and there get picked up with AP, either they become a bugged PFH that doesn't have the item description that crafting ones do and it doesn't stack with the rest of them, or it becomes a regular hopper. Again this has only happened a handful of times and I cannot recreate it by force. Along with AP not completely picking up full stacks worth, but I believe this comes from the game/plugin not being able to keep up with how fast things are happening. I can only get it to happen when farming crops, it'll cut off a stack of items at 63 most of the time, sometimes it's cut off stacks in the 30 range.

    As for the disappearing shulkerboxes, I do not know how it happened, why it happened, or how to make it happen again. Thankfully, it's only happened to me once, I do know of a few other players it has happened to and am able to get them to comment on this post if need be. All I can say is that before logging off, I broke and picked up my personal shulkerbox (it had custom tools and sell multipliers and what not in it). I can give you my word only that I did pick it up after I broke it, I also had auto pickup on so the only way I wouldn't have picked it up is with a full inventory and I did not have a full inventory as I just dumped it in the other shulkerboxes beside it. I logged off, and when I come back the next day this shulkerbox is completely gone. I did have Butters come and log basically the entire server, a couple times over, the logs for this shulkerbox end when I broke it and picked it up that night.

    I have no screenshots for these bugs as again, I can't exactly recreate them and there's not really much to screenshot in the first place.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hiya Deevez.

    I have tried many different routes to try and recreate this bug on both Potato and Beta but i am still having a hard
    time trying to re-create the same issue you're having. Do you remember the date you were having the issues? The reason i ask is because i can attempt to look through server console logs to see if any bugs occurred when you either disconnected or rejoined.

    Block logs/ Command logs and other global logs cannot really provide us valid evidence simply because the logs shown are as intended as they should be. You broke a shulker from the floor? That evidence doesn't show where you had it last, in-fact for me its kinda like a null exception.

    I do believe you're telling the truth; however, there is no evidence, no other report from items disappearing with /auto and no way for me to recreate this bug (I've tried numerous of different ways).

    I'm going to keep this thread still pending to see if i can find anything in the upcoming days.
  3. Deevez

    Deevez Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    The day in which it "disappeared", or rather the date and time at which I noticed it was gone; was February 19th at around the afternoon. I know this because of discord messages asking the people who use my base if they had seen it.

    The night prior is when I last broke it and picked it up. It could have been after midnight that night when I logged off, we were working on a pretty big project.

    As per other people, I know of many players this has happened to, but for some reason others aren't as keen to add to this thread, which clearly doesn't help any.
  4. Deevez

    Deevez Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    I can also give a rough coordinate range at which it was last broken, and what tool it was broken with if it comes down to needing either of those.
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    There doesn't seem to be any console errors near to the times you disconnected and reconnected.

    I'll put some images just for evidence:



    (We dont log connection entries but we have logs from the first command of the day and there doesn't seem to be any listed console errors)

    There isn't exactly much i can do here on out. Due to the value of the shulker you're reporting, i personally do not find it reasonable to refund. I'm going to forward this to the owner in hopes that he can possibly resolve this issue.
  6. nibble

    nibble Owner
    Owner Administrator

    Jan 24, 2018
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    Can you provide the coordinates of where you last broke the shulker box?
  7. Deevez

    Deevez Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    I can yes, it will have to be a bit later I’m currently away.

    And to Ky, like I said if all else fails and I don’t get refunded anything it’s completely fine I understand the risk you guys worry with refunding items. Especially items of this quantity and value.
    Ky likes this.
  8. Deevez

    Deevez Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    After rebuilding the wall it was last placed on and having it logged, the exact coordinate it was last seen is as follows;
    XYZ -13,457 / 9 / -3,183 END DIMENSION
    #8 Deevez, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021