Open Community hosted Treasure hunt event.

Discussion in 'General' started by Bepse, Dec 8, 2022.

  1. Bepse

    Bepse New Member

    Dec 8, 2022
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    I would like to host a community event where all players on the carrot server can participate in a treasure hunt, ending in the collection of approximately 1 billion $.
    There was a test trial of this today (20million prize), which ran extremely smoothly.
    For this event however, I am donating 100% of my current balance as of Dec.18th, 10% of "WoodFloors" Balance, and a 500million $ donation from I_Dig_Hash. Since this is a event with much larger stakes, I would like it to be on a much larger scale. This event would consist of riddles in order to solve the identifying factors of the location, and I personally would be thankful if we could get the help of the Staff in order to do so. I would like to use space in spawn in order to hide items for the treasure hunt (1-2 Chests); or event the new Event warp if you would allow.

    TL;DR : I host treasure hunt with 1 billion $ prize, would like staff to sponsor it.
  2. Bepse

    Bepse New Member

    Dec 8, 2022
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    Obviously would be extremely happy with it If PF farms wanted to take over, and incorporate this even further into spawn/event space with dedicated areas or even having the treasure hunt take place exclusively in /warp areas; but because that would be an incredibly fast turnaround, and presumably they are working on /warp christmas, that is not the expectation at all. The hope is that staff would just allow us to put chests in these communal areas so we do not have to build humongous pwarps with little time available.