Denied Create Sub-Teams for staff members

Discussion in 'Closed Suggestions' started by atPuddle, Jun 17, 2018.


Do you think they should be added?

  1. Yeah, they all should be added.

    1 vote(s)
  2. Maybe one or two of these should be added.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Nah, I don't think these should be added.

    2 vote(s)
  1. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Likes Received:
    So, the community is growing more and more, this means that it may be harder for one or two people to handle a big thing. There should be a way for staff members to be able to contribute more to the server, so I now present you some sub-teams that would be great. Sub-teams are basically just teams that staff members could join that do different things, so here are my ideas of sub-teams.


    Report/Appeal Patrols(RAP)
    What is this team?
    This team is basically people who are in charge of all reports and appeals. If any players send in any reports to the forums, the report patrols can check it out. They can also access any appeals players submit and be able to see if they are worthy or not.

    How can this help?
    This helps because one team can focus on one thing instead of another.

    Who could run this team?


    Forum Patrol(FP)
    What is this team?
    This team focuses on forums. They punish anyone who is breaking the forum rules (which there need to be some forum rules) and they lock threads when needed.
    How can this help?
    Since I noticed the manager has access to locking/moving people to forums, maybe there should be forum groups who could do it instead, which would make things easier.
    Who could run this team?

    Support Team(ST)

    What is this team?
    This team focuses on support. Maybe there could either be a support category where users could ask questions or any issues with payments/other technical issues that need to be handled.
    This would come in handy and helpful.

    How can this help?
    This can help many users who are facing any technical problems on the server that needs to be fixed.

    Who could run this team?
    Senior Moderators+.

    Those are the ideas that I have now if there are more teams I have in mind, I will update this thread. I hope at least one of these are added as they are useful.

    ~ Diamond
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
    Likes Received:
    The whole staff team have a different bunch of responsibilities, from Trainee's controlling chat to Administrators controlling forums, other platforms and the minecraft server, Moderators deal with appeals and more on the forums whilst the Administration team and myself control Applications aswell as staff reports etc.

    Adding more roles would just reduce responsibilities for other roles which isn't a good idea since they're equally balanced.
    a possibility would be to bring loyal players into group to control numerous things however its a risky job at most if we were to implement this.

    Thank you for your suggestions.
  3. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    It's cool, thanks for responding. But what about the support team?
  4. Aury

    Aury Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Manager and owner is pretty much all the support team we need. I'll be closing and denying this suggestion due to Kyles response. If we see more growth in the server and activity on the forums we will keep this considered but for now it'll be closed and denied.