Hi friends! Another suggestion <3. Thanks for reading them btw it makes folks feel appreciated. So some servers in the past I've played on has this really unique feature where you could customize armor stands. Ways you were able to change them were: Change the height, from 1 block tall to 3 blocks tall. Change the direction of the limbs of the armor stand, as in changing the XYZ of a leg, arm, or head to make it face in a direction not capable through vanilla Minecraft. Change the visibility of some parts. Some parts people would make invisible such as the head, the arms, or the feet. This just creates a different atmosphere and way of being able to add little tiny people around the world.
Hiya Spooks~! I though you like to know that this was talked about before. This probably won't happen because Custom Armor Stands cause lag and Vanilla Armor Stands not as much lag. Open - Armor Stand Editor | Peaceful Farms