Hi there, I've noticed few people struggling with setting up hex codes and gradients in their nicknames. As I can't link things easily ingame, I thought I would put some things here. I have a website that is designed for creating these in a Minecraft "format" that I thought I would share. First, just like Butter's guide, use some sort of gradient generator to find two colors that you like. Next use the website I linked that will perfectly format it for a gradient in your Minecraft /nick. Enjoy. 1. Gradient generator such as this one 2. Input both colors and the desired "message" that you wish to be your nickname on this website 3. Copy and paste the output in-game. Ex. /nick <Output> Gradient website: https://colordesigner.io/gradient-generator Minecraft Formater: https://rgb.birdflop.com/
note: you can NOT have bold, italic, underliNE or strikethrough selected. DO NOT have any of those selected. it will not work. period.