Filter hoppers cannot pull filtered items from containers if nonfiltered items are in previous slots

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Pizzadino_, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. Pizzadino_

    Pizzadino_ New Member

    May 30, 2023
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    IGN: Pizzadino_
    Description: Filter hoppers do not pull whitelisted or non-blacklisted items out of a container above them if a non-whitelisted or blacklisted (respectively) item is in a more "top-left" position in the inventory. It seems they are merely scanning from left to right, top to bottom, starting from the first item slot to each in turn until it either finds an item it can pull or one that it can not pull and then in both circumstances re-starting from the first item slot again. This causes circumstances where if the container's inventory is full and then a non-pullable item enters the first slot or any open slots before a pullable item the filter hopper will become stuck in a scanning loop where it will scan slots up to the non-pullable item then see the non-pullable item and then start the loop over again, never able to pull any other items from the container.
    Server: (Carrot, Potato, or Both) Carrot
    Expected behavior: If a filter hopper sees an item in a container's inventory that it can not pull, it should continue to scan the rest of the slots in the container until it either finds a pullable item or reaches the final slot. It would then either pull item or restart the scanning loop.
    Steps to reproduce: Place a filter hopper under a container. Place items in the container that it can take, either due to being whitelisted or not being blacklisted. Place an item the hopper cannot take, either by not being whitelisted or not being blacklisted, in a slot before the pullable items. The hopper will cease taking any items from the container even if its filter is such that it should have the ability to take them.
    How long ago was the bug introduced?: Unknown, but only just discovered today.