Denied Losing Decent Tools From Crashes

Discussion in 'Closed bug reports' started by invalidbat, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. invalidbat

    invalidbat New Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    Since I can't seem to get a reply on the Discord or in-game, hopefully someone will get back to me on here. I'm simply wondering if players that have lost tools due to the Beta crashing will somehow be compensated for those lost tools? I've now lost a Valentine's Hoe, a Saint Patrick's Hoe, and a Tropical Hoe due to the server suddenly crashing and I guess doing a roll-back. Sure, this is expected, but I would like to be answered by staff if I should just give up on maybe having my decent tools back for when the Beta becomes Carrot or not?
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    No. You will not receive items that were lost from the crash, why?
    Crashes on beta are bound to happen every now and then, we said to players that this would happen more frequent then they do on Potato. I would recommend placing items in your player vault if you're wishing to have them moved.