Open Make deepslate diamond ore count for JrFarmer rank up requirement

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Saber, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Saber

    Saber Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Developer Ticket Management Community Teams Rules Committee

    Jan 6, 2023
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    I believe staff already plans to make this happen but I thought I would make this suggestion just in case.

    Currently to rank up from Rancher to JrFarmer, the requirement tells you to break 2 diamond ore. The challenge only accepts the currently very rare stone diamond ore whilst most player attempting the challenge break deepslate diamond ore and get confused. I believe having such a difficult and confusing requirement early on in the rank up process may be causing players to quit the server.

    I suggest that deepslate diamond ore count towards the challenge to make the challenge easier. With the relative abundance of deepslate diamond ore, this may make the challenge much easier than intended, if so I would suggest increasing the number of diamond ore breaks required.
    Waffle likes this.