Marriage Plug-in

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Freakofftheleash, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Freakofftheleash

    Freakofftheleash New Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Greetings Peaceful Farms Players!

    Could someone post some information on the marriage plug-in. I can't seem to get much information on the web and the basic info in game is, well... basic. Specific questions I have: can I marry more that one person? or is it better to do the team mcmmo thing? Do we share money? What comes with the marriage kit in the points shop.

    Thanks a bunch,
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The marriage package we have currently in /pointshop is a plugin that has many great duo player commands.
    Things including private marriage chat, gifting and boosted XP.
    Commands can be found by doing /marry, most of the commands are included.

    Information on the marriage plugin!
    The marriage plugin is a great plugin for duo groups, rather it be for jokes or roleplaying its just overall fun!
    commands are full of accessibility to the significant others so you feel a sharing experience while here on
    peaceful farms, This plugin is more for roleplaying purposes :)

    What comes with the marriage kit in the points shop(?)
    ✓ /marry <user> - Sharing all the commands with the married user also enabling "" as the prefix.
    ✓ /marry chat - chat is toggled by the command :)
    ✓ /marry gift - Gifts the current item held in your hand to your significant other.
    ✓ /marry sethome - Sets a home for both users, only 1 can be set, trying to add anymore could replace previous.
    ✓ /marry home - Teleports you to your current home set via the plugin.
    ✓ /marry tp - Teleports you to your significant other, cannot be disabled per player.
    ✓ /marry seen - Checks when your significant other was last online.

    Things that aren't included in the help list of /marry

    Boosted XP and crouch kissing automatically enabled, you cannot disable this feature.
    ✓ Boosted XP - Normally just boosts your XP bar for both users, this doesn't support mcMMO.
    ✓ Crouch kissing - Displays love hearts above your significant others head.

    What we've disabled on the server via the marriage plugin.

    ✗ /marry heal - Due to this being similar to a donor command doing the same thing ( /heal ), this would be an advantage for players.
    ✗ /marry gender - Could cause debates, drama and offend sensitive players, also removed due to having no other purpose other then a prefix

    Aury and FuzzyFTW like this.
  3. Freakofftheleash

    Freakofftheleash New Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    :) Thanks a bunch!
  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    ;) Your welcome!