Planned Monthly events

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BrushYrTeeth, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. BrushYrTeeth

    BrushYrTeeth New Member

    Jun 28, 2019
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    hi ky (or whoever is reading this)

    i feel like monthly events would create some fun competition and make new friendships. currently the daily quests arent really used, and making it more desirable to play, and wide scale, would make it more fun. the reward for the winner of the event could be something like a "winner" tag or a custom particle.
    some ideas for events:
    build events
    scavenger hunts
    who killed the most *x mobs*
    Pnia and frendito_burrito like this.
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I totally agree with you. I have two answers for you which you're absolutely going to love!

    1. Missions are getting a huge update. You'll hear more information about this nearer to the time; however, be sure to be on the look out! I've been working on ideas which will create a nice grind affect if you're on Potato. These updates should also come to Carrot!

    2. Events Server. Yesterday, it was announced that the Events server will be joining the rest of our server list. These will provide game modes which staff and administration can hold events which players can receive prizes in. Of course, you'll need to hear more information about this which is very very soon to come! Be on the look out.
    Pnia likes this.