Open More Mini-Games/Competitions/Events

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by AwkwardWookie56, Jul 22, 2022.


Want more mini competitions?

  1. Hell Yeah!

  2. Uhhhh... No thanks!

  1. AwkwardWookie56

    AwkwardWookie56 New Member

    Jul 21, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hey all!

    I have not been playing on the PF server for long like many of the posters here on this forum, but I wanted to give it a shot at suggesting something for the server! From the title of this thread, I was hoping that additional mini games/competitions (ie. spleef, parkour, gambling possibly o_O) are added to the servers (potato and carrot) like the finishing competition. I don't know if adding more mini games was suggested already but I would really like to have other fun options to play with other people on this server. I think friendly competition is a great way to meet new players/people that you never interacted with in the server before and it can also potentially open up a new way of earning rewards/prizes/achievements/suffixes/etc.
  2. BubbleTeaDragon

    BubbleTeaDragon Staff Member
    Senior Moderator Community Teams Builder

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Hiya AwkwardWookie56~!

    Yeeeaaaaa, so this is a peaceful farming eco server. Not a mini-game server. It has been suggested many times. When we do have games it's for a limited time (usually a seasonal thing). So Kiri and Ky have said they will not add a games server. And they are correct, we can go somewhere else to play mini-games.

    AshesRevamp and AwkwardWookie56 like this.