Not Planned More /sell items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by CyrenArkade, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. CyrenArkade

    CyrenArkade New Member

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Basically, I think /sell should have more items, such as bones or slime balls. I get that this is mainly a farming server, but I feel like having more good options to sell things would create a lot more variety on the server and would serve to keep many players from making the same farms as everyone else. Additionally, I feel like a huge change of the prices of /sell items is also needed to make farming all items a viable option rather than having two dominant crops being sold on the server (cactus and melons) with everything else being almost completely ignored.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I agree that /sell should have more things in it, but since they haven't even added all farming items yet I would settle for just those (chorus, mushrooms, flowers, grass, wood, etc.) There have been quite a few posts about this already, I'm honestly not sure why staff still haven't done it. As for the sell prices, I agree that they don't make all crops viable, but I can also see how it would be hard for staff to come up with numbers that work perfectly. One thing I would like to add to this suggestion is possibly making a survey to see what prices players think things should be, since they're the ones doing the farming.
  3. DinoMonkey1001

    DinoMonkey1001 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I feel that the sell price of melons could maybe be reduced a little, since they're a little overpowered right now.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  4. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're looking into adding a lot more to the sell options already, after reviewing multiple posts- this is being considered in a different way, if your suggestions i.e "bones" or "slime balls" aren't added to the sell options then most probably they've been denied; however, alternative sell options are highly in the works for the 1.13 release on the server.

    We've not updated things as of right now as we're working on not only this particular suggestion - we're working on multiple etc including new features etc. Expect prices to be updated around 1.13's release on Peaceful Farms.

    We most probably won't allow players to give there suggestions on actual prices due to being kind of bias( personal opinion ), however, please create a second suggestion post for this of your own and we'll review it accordingly!

    Noted, good idea. ;)