Questions about server resets

Discussion in 'General' started by Krynne, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. Krynne

    Krynne New Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    I was recently on Discord and spotted some posts mentioning that a reset is getting done soon. However... I'm not really sure which server they were mentioning this was for, nor could I find any announcements or posts about any upcoming resets either here on the forum or on Discord. Is there a reset for either server coming soon, and for which server will it be for? Just wanting to be sure I'll have enough time to collect and store my special items I want saved for the reset.

    Is there a schedule listed somewhere that shows how often Carrot & Potato gets reset, and when the next (future) resets for each have been planned?

    And finally... is there any way to merge my accounts from both Carrot & Potato into one server so I can stick to playing on that one server afterwards? I find I'm simply recreating the same builds on both anyways, so I figure why not just keep to the one server and give myself more time to play there lol

    Thanks much in advance :)
  2. AshesRevamp

    AshesRevamp Staff Member
    Moderator Community Teams

    May 21, 2022
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    If it helps the reset for Carrot will happen in a few months (1-5 probably) and servers usuallu reset after 2 years :D Also you can't "merge" ur accounts as their offer to different profiles on the two servers and can't be trasnfered to the other server. Also staff will tell us 1 month before reset to get our tools saved and stuff...
  3. Rimon_2004

    Rimon_2004 Staff Member
    Moderator Community Teams

    Jul 17, 2020
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    "Is there a reset for either server coming soon, and for which server will it be for?"

    The Carrot server is the one resetting at the moment, and it will happen on OCT 14, 2022

    "Is there a schedule listed somewhere that shows how often Carrot & Potato gets reset, and when the next (future) resets for each have been planned?"

    There is no set schedule for reset, but we give plenty of announcements on the discord for the times and what you can carry over when reset comes.

    "And finally... is there any way to merge my accounts from both Carrot & Potato into one server so I can stick to playing on that one server afterwards? "

    There is no way to merge accounts from server to server.
  4. Krynne

    Krynne New Member

    Dec 19, 2020
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    Thanks much to you both for letting me know, and for clarifying details :)

    Another set of questions (I do apologize for these... I'm autistic, plus dyslexic... and written things just don't always seem clear to me even if they are blatantly obvious to others):

    I see there is an ongoing discussion (on Discord) about what items folks can/cannot keep in the transfer/reset. Yes, I know there is already a large "What Not to Bring" list currently posted on the Discord Town Hall. However... I also see that some of those items listed are still being discussed as to whether folks can keep them or not. It also doesn't help I'm reading some rather contradictory posts about the same items... some folks will say an item is not allowed, others later say it is, but limited in number... while yet someone else will say we can keep as many as we want, but not use that particular item for a set number of days after the transfer. Will there be a final, official updated list posted in time to be able to double check our vaults before the transfer?

    As well, some items listed are just not very clear on which type of items it is we are allowed to keep. For example: it just says "ore blocks" on the list (along with a limit number). I'm not really sure which block is the one being allowed. Is an "ore block" the refined ores made into the final solid blocks (such as when one smelts down the iron into ingots, then turns all those ingots into the solid white iron block)... or is it to mean the regular, default ores as seen before they are mined out?

    And finally... is the limit number mentioned beside the ores the number per type of ore being kept (such as can we keep in the vault 32 diamond, 32 iron, 32 coal, etc.) or is the number the total for all ores kept in the vault (such as having 17 diamond, 10 iron, & 5 coal, which all adds up to 32 total)?