Denied Rankup reward wrongly taken away

Discussion in 'Closed bug reports' started by MissNuclear4, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. MissNuclear4

    MissNuclear4 New Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    one of my first two rankup rewards on potato i chose the pig spawner, i understand that it was mistakenly given to everyone but i gained mine legally as a legit reward. I would like this fixed and the recipe returned to my account please!
  2. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hello MissNuclear4.

    Change made:

    If you had originally gained the perk, this would have not affected you. This change has only affected everybody that didn't have that permission.
    I also have double-checked your unlocked perks that falls under your account & seems to all match up correctly with your rank aswell.

    All the perks you gained from ranking up & using /pickperk:

    • Valuable amount of Compressed Items
    • Tempfly (2 hours)
    • Endermen Spawner Recipe
    • Auto-sell shard (1250 uses)
    • Wolf Spawner Recipe
    • Sheep Spawner Recipe
    • Cow Spawner Recipe
    Your rank: GrowMaster
    This means you have used all perks considerably to the amount of times you
    you ranked up.
    Not much else can be considered since all on our side matches up. If you feel this may be different after reading this
    please consider contacting me or another staff member through discord by clicking here!

    Our apologises.

    Yours sincerely, dadky.